ADADA Asia Digital Art and Design Association
AICAD The Association of Independent Colleges of Art and Design
Alvar Aalto Foundation, Alvar Aalto Academy Alvar Aalto Foundation and Academy
BDC Biodesign Challenge
BEDA The Bureau of European Design Associations
BID The Ibero-American Design Biennial
British Council
CBDA China Building Decoration Association
CEAIE China Education Association for International Exchange
CFCA China Fashion and Color Association
CIDA China Industrial Design Association
CILECT The International Association of Film and Television Schools
Comité Colbért
Design Principles & Practices Design Principles & Practices Research Network
DESIS Design for Social Innovation and Sustainability
DI-Integra DI Integra, Mexican Association of Schools and Institutions of Industrial Design (DI-Integra Association Mexicana de Instituciones y Escuelas de Diseño Industrial)
DINZ The Designers Institute of New Zealand
DogA Norwegian Centre for Design and Architecture
DRS Design Research Society
EIDD EIDD Design for All Europe
ELIA The European League of Institutes of the Arts
EQ-Arts Enhancing Quality in the Arts
Iberoamérica Diseña (ID)
Premio Nacional de Diseño: Diseña México The National Design Award: Diseña México
Seoul Design Foundation
The One Club for Creativity
WDO World Design Organization
As a network of networks committed to global art and design education Cumulus has established affiliate relationships with prestigious international bodies including UNESCO (the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) and national accreditation entities such as NASAD (the National Association of Schools of Art and Design). Cumulus holds observer status with The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
National Association of Schools of Art and Design
The World Intellectual Property Organization
Cumulus partner organizations reap the benefits of a global network of art and design educators, practitioners and students committed to learning across cultures, inspiring new thinking and building sustainable futures.
Cumulus members foster collaboration and sharing with the conviction that our collective influence and reach is greater as a diverse ecosystem.
If you are aligned with our values and believe in the fundamental role of art and design education and research in creating more sustainable and humane futures for all, reach out to us with your ideas and a proposal for partnership!
For more information on how to partner with Cumulus, please contact our Secretariat.
Whether you are a governmental organizational, foundation, NGO, civil society body, professional organization, or a private sector leader, we want to hear from you.