CfP DISEÑA #23: Repairing Design: Damage, Care, and Fragility

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For the University: UC Chile is a community which offers rigurous and critial education under the light of faith, and shares it with society. By means of that, we contribute to building a truly human nation, based on truth, freedom, justice, peace and solidarity. Our educational project proposes: Integral education, international focus, commitment with improvement of life and truth, permanent dialog with society, management centered on persons, generating stable financial resources.
For the Faculty: We understand project oriented disciplines as a means for improvemennt of life through improvement of human environment. Designers' and architects' works should aim for permanent values and have long lasting effects. We understand education research and promotion of design and architecture as different aspects of the same focus: promoting innovation, and by means of this, improve Chile's position on the international global scene.
Priorities: UC links and exchange with the international university world, developing their international collaboration thorugh the VRAI (The Adjunct Office of the Vice President for International Affairs). Agreemnents with universities in all continents, and joint degrees on doctorate and master's level in France, Italy, Spain, Germany and USA. Foster international validation of studies with first level parties – Educate students able to act in the global society – Transform our university in an international centre for research and postgraduate studies UC Chile is the second best rated university in Latin America, and is among the 200 best rated universities worldwide.
UC is part of La Triada Network partnering with Tec Monterey. Mexico, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia in both teaching and research. The School of Architecture has been validated by RIBA.
FADEU organises international seminars and conferences in Architecture, Design and Urban Studies, develops joint activities (workshops, courses, etc.) with Latin American, Northern American and European Universities. School of Design
UC Chile is the leading University in Chile in Architecture, Design and Urban Studies. We consistently recruit the highest rated students. Both the reserch fronts and the external services unit offer R+D projects to many sectors, like industry, public sector (ministries, regional and local institutions), and service sector. UC hold the second business incubator in Chile, Ventana UC, and Fundación COPEC, the largest private foundation focused on fostering applied research and R+D. Friends of UC is one of the most influential former students organisations in the country. Among their members, academics from USA and Europe, former and present high level politians and professional can be found. The Faculty holds fluent links with these organisations, especially through the Wood Centre and the Integrated Design and Engineering centre. Faculty graduates are among the most influential professionals in the country. In all three fields covered, the national scene is mainly based on them, together with those from the National University. The Design School is part of the first national design network, focused on the development of national exchange programmes, joint iniciatives and research projects on national scale. One of their academics has been appointed as expert to the National Design Programme, now under development. SEREX and the three units offer services to public and private institutions and companies in the fields of R+D, information systems, research on materials, urban development and many others. This makes the faculty one of the most relevant actors in innovation nationally.
Our main focus is centered on interaction between people and environment and, through that, the improvement of people's lives and environmental and social sustainability. Our Faculty aims to provide society with highly skilled professionals who are capable of understanding and detecting existing and emerging problems to be solved by means of project development and research.
School of Design
Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urban Studies (FADEU)
BA Design 5 years
Master in Advanced Design (MADA), 1,5 years
– Building Technology – Sustainability – History of Architecture – Urban Design – Urban development and segregation – Environmental studies – Andean Textiles – Information Design – Experience Design – History of Design
Diseña Journal is the Research Publication from UC School of Design (Latindex,
FADEU has the two journals of the University: ARQ, focused on Architecture, and EURE, focused on Urban Studies (WoS Indexed). Members of the Faculty regularly publish on these and international magazines.
Ph. D. Architecture & Urban Studies, 4 years
Urban Studies
December 1 for semester 1 May 2 for semester 2
Spanish. Some courses can be delivered in english.
Medium level of Spanish is required.
Semester 1: March 7 – June 30 Semester 2: August 1 – December 7
Generally speaking, exchange students pay their fees in their home institution. Regular fees are aprox. € 400. Living costs are aprox. € 400 to € 600.