DESIGNA 2024 + CITIZENSHIP International Conference on Design Research

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UBI is a public education institution whose mission is to develop the complete training of its students, training professionals to respond to the needs of society, producing quality research, responding to the challenges of society and the territory, enhancing innovation, entrepreneurship, the transfer of knowledge, culture, and humanistic, aesthetic and artistic values, in a socially responsible way.
International recognition of UBI's work is reflected in a constant presence in some of the world's most prestigious rankings, such as Times Higher Education, Shanghai Ranking or U-Multirank. Since 2015, the UBI has taken a prominent position in the reports produced by international experts, even considering the progressive increase in the number of higher education institutions included in the analysis. Three global UBI performance analysis rankings deserve special mention: The Times Higher Education (THE) World University Ranking, which placed UBI in 2019 at 601-800 of the world's top universities; Young University Rankings, which ranks among the top 100-150 academies founded less than 50 years ago; or the ranking dedicated to European universities, where it is placed at level 301-400.
Among its students, UBI has more than 14% of individuals from various geographical origins, emphasising Europe, Portuguese-speaking Africa and Brazil. Betting on the institution's internationalisation, the University of Beira Interior has been one of the first universities to publish the regulation of international student Status. If mobility is one of the new higher education policies that generate progress, innovation, creativity and competitiveness, the International Office (GI) primary concern is to promote the mobility of students, teaching staff and non-academic staff of UBI, allowing an opening of horizons in terms of education and profession, through the exchange of values, knowledge and experience. In this way, the GI coordinates the following programs permanently open:
. Almeida Garrett Program
. Fullbright scholarships
. Luso-Brazilian scholarship program Santander Totta
. Vulcanus Program
UBI also participates in other periodic mobility projects and internships with non-EU countries and mobility programs in consortia. UBI is part of UNITA – Universitas Montium, an alliance of European universities officially created on November 6, 2020. This alliance is composed of six higher education institutions from five countries. The six universities came together, sharing common goals, realities and challenges: Romance languages used in academia to encourage diversity, inclusion, geographic location in predominantly rural mountain areas and European citizenship. UNITA's general objectives are based on three strategic axes – circular economy, renewable energies and cultural heritage – exploring innovative didactics, reducing inequalities between central and peripheral regions through sustainability and the development of rural and mountainous areas, promoting citizenship, identity and European values, building a European education area to promote a digital and green transition and promoting inclusion policies at all levels.
The University of Beira Interior is today a reference institution at the national and international levels in the fields of teaching, research, innovation and entrepreneurship. It is one of the 150 best higher education institutions in the world in the Times Higher Education (THE) Young University Rankings, which analyses and classifies academies founded less than 50 years ago.
UBI has invested in the creation of well-equipped laboratories, in the expansion of its facilities – both those dedicated to teaching and research activities and those needed to offer its students the best working conditions and social support – in the progressive involvement in national and international research projects and highly qualified teaching staff. The evolution of number of courses has been increasing over the years. The number of students has also increased and includes students from Portugal and from all over the world. Attending UBI is an experience that goes beyond acquiring knowledge and scientific preparation for a profession. Students have at their disposal a set of cultural and sports activities that allow them to broaden their horizons, practice physical activity and build a network of sociability.
The University of Beira Interior, as a public university, has as its primary mission the training of its students, preparing them to be free, autonomous people capable of making rational decisions, contributing with quality to the challenges of the labour market, of assuming rules of conduct favouring the common good, the principles of transparency and respect for diversity. The premises for quality teaching are based on an innovative curricular and pedagogical transformation involving the continuous training of teachers, the incorporation of information and communication technologies in education, the constant renewal of pedagogical practices, the promotion of lifelong learning, the introducing of personalized attention to students and encouraging multilingualism in international student classes.
The three main goals in education are linked to the development of innovative teaching methodologies, the Increase of employability and the attraction of students.
The University of Beira Interior (UBI) is structured into 6 Organic Units, comprising 5 Faculties – the Faculty of Sciences (FC), the Faculty of Engineering (FE), the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences (FCSH), the Faculty of Arts and Humanities (FAL) and the Faculty of Health Sciences (FCS), which have their own elected governing and management bodies – and the Research Coordinator Institute (ICI).
UBI also has 6 Centers dedicated to supporting the activities of the University and to the provision of services to the community: the Library, the Training Center Interaction UBI Corporate Sector (CFIUTE); UBImedical, the Center for Teaching and Learning Resources (CREA), the Optics Center and the Wool Museum.
In 2021/2022, UBI offered 31 Bachelor courses (1st cycle and integrated master's) distributed by the 5 faculties.
The Faculty of Arts and Humanities (FAL) offers a total of 7 BA courses (3 years, 180 ECTS), namely:
Humanities Department:
Communication, Philosophy and Politics Department:
Arts Department:
In 2021/2022, UBI offered 38 master courses distributed by the 5 faculties.
the Faculty of Arts and Humanities (FAL) offers a total of 13 (2 years, 120 ECTS) master courses (of which 2 are in association), namely:
Humanities Department:
Communication, Philosophy and Politics Department:
Arts Department:
Research is one of the fundamental pillars of the university's mission and a distinctive differentiator of all its activity. The quality of the research is reflected directly in the university's impact on society, being also a crucial element for attracting the best students, attracting funding and interacting with the business world. Thus, research excellence constitutes a fundamental objective of the University's strategy. UBI has been consolidating the position of its research on the national scene, presenting, over the years, an increasing number of published articles, placing it above some of its peer universities in terms of size and seniority. In 2023, research will continue to be an essential driver.
The five primary goals in research are linked to making research one of UBI’s distinctive skills, developing a model of operation for the research, innovative and transversal curricular units, promoting participation in international research networks and programs, and promoting the scientific equipment of research units.
In 2021/2022, UBI offered 28 doctoral courses distributed by the 5 faculties.
the Faculty of Arts and Humanities (FAL) offers a total of 6 PhD courses (3 Years, 180 ECTS) (2 of which are in association), namely:
Communication, Philosophy and Politics Department:
Arts Department:
Arts Department (all art & design courses)
BA courses:
Master courses:
PhD courses:
At UBI, the application for study mobility is divided into two phases:
Pre-application at UBI:
The pre-application is formalized at the Virtual Counter – BV of the Academic Services of UBI from February 7 to March 7, 2022.
Application to the host university for which students were selected:
After the International Office (GI) sends the nominations of the selected students to the host universities, the student must apply as soon as they are notified by the same or by GISP.
It is possible to have the help of the GI team from UBI, to prepare mobility applications.
Contact: [email protected]
UBI Academic Year:
1st semester (approximately ~ 15th September – 31st January)
2nd semester (approximately ~ 15th February – 30th June)
Around 555.60 km² of the area and 51,800 inhabitants tell the story of Covilhã, which borders the municipalities of Seia and Manteigas to the north, Guarda to the northeast, Belmonte to the east, Fundão to the south and Pampilhosa da Pampilhosa to the west. Serra and Arganil. The city is the path to the famous Serra da Estrela, the name given to the mountain range with the highest altitudes in mainland Portugal, the destination of many tourists who wish to be enchanted by the snow in the months of cold weather. To live in Covilhã is to breathe the pure air of the interior, to have contact with the culture of the region, to appreciate good cheeses and wines, in other words, to live in a welcoming place.
As it is inland, Covilhã offers a lower cost of living compared to the large cities on the coast of Portugal. Therefore, self-employed workers or students looking for residence can rent their apartments or rooms in shared houses at competitive prices. 1 bedroom apartments, called T1, in the central region, cost from € 250.00 to € 350.00, but in other neighbourhoods, the cost can be even lower. The monthly price of a 2-bedroom apartment (T2) varies between €350.00 and €550.00, and, in the case of a 3-bedroom property (T3), the value is around €500.00 to €750.00.
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