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Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava

Faculty of Architecture and Design

Slovakia Full Member Institution

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Mission Statement

The Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava offers university education in engineering disciplines. Its education system is based on the scientific research, as well as the artistic, engineering and other creative activities. The University faculties, departments, institutes and experts cooperate directly with industrial companies and social organisations, while actively participating in international cooperation.

VISION The Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava strives to be an internationally recognized and prominent research-oriented technical university. It seeks to provide a high quality and internationally comparable education to a wide spectrum of students in promising fields, based on the independent and critical thinking, entrepreneurship and creativity, while regarding practical application and success in life, as well as the human aspects of education and technological progress. The University aims to contribute to the economic and social development of the region.

MISSION As a research-oriented technical university, the mission of STU is to conduct scientific research and apply and disseminate the new knowledge via engineering and other creative work, and simultaneously to educate and enlighten the young generation in the spirit of the principles of humanism and generosity. STU develops harmony, knowledge, wisdom, charity and creativity in a person, contributing thus to the development of education, science, culture and health for the benefit of society as a whole. In doing so, it contributes to the development of a knowledge-based society.

International Role

The Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava keeps long-term relations with foreign universities and institutions, while systematically signing new cooperation agreements, creating thus favourable conditions for cooperation with faculties, departments and individuals. Contractual partnerships enable participation in the international projects. Belonging to the University key activities, those projects produce financial sources and contribute to further development of the University, while simultaneously providing for mobility of teachers as well as postgraduate and undergraduate students. So far, we have signed 432 Erasmus+ agreements on international cooperation with 276 institutions from 28 countries from all around the world.

NETWORKING The University, its faculties and employees are active in many recognised European and international professional, educational, scientific and artistic organisations. The international bilateral and multilateral framework agreements create conditions for cooperation between faculties, departments, institutes and individuals. Partnerships within the Lifelong Learning Programme and its Erasmus subdivision also play an important role. As of today, STU cooperates with 526 partnership universities from all around the world.


National Role

Nowadays, in context of Industry 4.0, the creativity, human-centered approach, critical thinking and complex problem-solving can be considered as the key job skills. The pedagogues at Institute of Design FAD STU in Bratislava focus on enhancing the divergent design process and foster interdisciplinary collaboration as key elements for innovation. Graduates profile themselves in the field of technical work in relation to a man and a society in a context of the sustainable development.   

The aim of the study at the Institute of Design FAD STU in Bratislava is to combine the design and construction processes in a cooperation with practice – also for this reason, the main strategic focus of the Institute of Design is to connect the study with the commercial environment (cooperation with Volkswagen AG, Škoda Auto, a.s., Nowy Styl Group, MATADOR HOLDING, a.s., OMS spol. s r.o. and others).

Part of the workplace of the Institute of Design is the Research Center for Product Development, which was established within the regional centers of Science City Bratislava, and whose technological equipment the Institute actively uses for prototyping within scientific research activities.

In the last 3 years, also the MX.LAB – Mobility Experience Laboratory – has been established. The research workplace is focused on design research and development in the rapidly changing field of personal mobility, where simultaneously collaborate students from all three degrees, STU pedagogues and experts from praxis. The laboratory is primarily engaged in the design of car interiors and user interfaces, the design of alternative forms of mobility, whether in the field of services or innovative means of transport. MX.LAB research is carried out with the financial support of Škoda Auto, a.s. Volkswagen AG. The acronym "MX" in the name of the laboratory refers to "mobility" and "experience", and is also a reference to "mixed reality", with which the lab is actively working.


Main Focus

The Faculty of Architecture and Design is the largest and the oldest school of architecture in Slovakia, educating the experts capable of designing the engineering activities in the areas of architecture, urban planing, spatial planning, design of residential, civic, industrial buildings and agricultural buildings and their complexes, in the reconstruction of cities, restoration and protection of monuments and in the product, industrial, automotive, interior and exhibition design. 


Faculties and Departments

At present, the STU consists of seven faculties based in Bratislava and Trnava. Faculty of Architecture and Design is one of them and further consists of several Institutes:  

Institute of Architecture of Residential Buildings
Institute of Architecture of Public Buildings
Institute of Ecological and Experimental Architecture
Institute of History and Theory of Architecture and Monument Restoration
Institute of Structures in Architecture and Engineering Buildings
Institute of Interior and Exhibition Design
Institute of Urban Design and Planning
Institute of Design
Institute of Visual Arts and Multimedia  

Bachelor Level Programs

BA in Architecture and Urban Planning, duration of studying 4 years, title: Bc.

BA in Product Design, duration of studying 4 years, title: Bc.

Master Level Programs

MA in Architecture, duration of studying 2 years, title: Ing. arch

MA in Design (Product/ Interior), duration of studying 2 years, title: Mgr. art

MA in Art in Public Space, duration of studying 2 years, title: Mgr. art

Research Activity and Main Areas

Research at Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava: https://www.stuba.sk/buxus/docs/stu/informacie_pre/media/Research_at_STU.PDF 

University Science Park (USP) at the Slovak University of Technology (STU): 

Key Research Areas of Faculty of Architecture and Design STU in Bratislava: 

Doctorate Level Programs

DA in Architecture, duration of studying 3 years (full-time) /4 years (external), title: PhD

DA in Design, duration of studying 3 years (full-time) /4 years (external), title: ArtD

Subject Areas for Exchange Students

Faculty website

International students for exchange study stay – general info: 

Hosting an Erasmus+ trainee (Information brochure for receiving organisations): 

Here you can search for all accredited study programmes performed at the particular faculty:

Application Deadlines

May 31 – for winter semester, summer semester, whole academic year
October 31 – just for summer semester.

Teaching Languages

Slovak, Czech, English

Semester Dates

The academic year begins on September 1st of the current year and ends on August 31st of the following year.
The academic year is divided into two semesters in the case of bachelors, engineer's and master's study.
Each semester consists of a minimum 12 weeks to be used for the implementation of a basic form of educational activities (hereinafter referred to as "teaching") and at least 4 weeks of examination period.

Academic Year 2021/2022 https://www.stuba.sk/english/degree-students/academic-calendar-and-deadlines/academic-year-2021-2022.html?page_id=12581 

Cost of Living Per Month (Studying and Living)

Monthly costs of living (prices can change but not extremely) in Bratislava:

  • Accommodationin student houses 100,00 EUR
  • 2 daily meals 180,00 EUR 
  • City transport (student travel pass) 12,50 EUR
  • Internet 7,00 EUR
  • Total per month 299,50 EUR



Bachelor: 772
Master: 351
Doctorate: 117

Exchange Students

Incoming: 84
Outgoing: 26
Others: 2

Teaching Staff

Professors: 15
Lectures: 104
Other permanent teachers: 5
Part-time Teachers: 28

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