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Shenzhen University

Division of Arts

China Full Member Institution

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Mission Statement

Shenzhen University (SZU) is committed to excellence in teaching, research and social service. Sticking to the motto of “self-reliance, self-discipline, self-improvement”, the University is dedicated to serving the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone (SEZ), demonstrating China’s reform and opening up and pioneering change in higher education.

SZU, which is based in Shenzhen, China’s first Special Economic Zone and a key city in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area, is distinctively known as an Experimental University in higher education with its reforms in the sector acknowledged in Mainland China.

International Role

The Division of  Arts, SZU has established partnerships with famous European and American art academies, such as the joint art class between Shenzhen and Russian Repin Academy of Fine Arts and SZU-Antwerp Overseas Study Center, SZU’s first overseas study center.

In 2020,the Division  established cooperation with Parsons School of Design, the New School. As one of the Parsons’ partners in China, with Tsinghua University and TongJi University as another two partners, the division undertook teaching task for undergraduate students who were unable to travel to the United States due to the pandemic. This innovative form of international collaboration has greatly contributed to the introduction of advanced teaching concepts and the enhancement of the teaching standards and international influence of the Division.

Besides, the Division maintains friendly relations with Polytechnic University of Milan, Cardiff University, Chiba University, Queen's University Belfast, etc.


National Role

Leveraging the advantages of Shenzhen as an international metropolis and the interdisciplinary characteristics of Shenzhen University, the Division aims to provide students with a distinctive training system and an exceptional platform for research and creation, making contributions to the development of the Greater Bay Area in China.

The division has collaborated with varieties of enterprises , and has established more than 30  teaching field bases. The Division has set up  innovation and venture fund thanks to the donation by Yinger Fashion Group and Ellassay Co., Ltd, which are renowned clothing corporations in China. Besides, the Division has set up Tencent courses in service design in cooperation with Tencent Holdings.

The Division cooperates with partner universities such as Central Academy of Fine Arts, the Hongkong Polytechnic University,  City University of Macau on students exchange and joint research.

Main Focus

Our main focus in education is oriented in BA, MA and research on Arts & Design.

Faculties and Departments

There are three colleges under the structure of Division of Design–College of Art & Design; College of Music & Dance; College of Theatre, Film & Television. And in each college, there are several departments, as listed below:

  • College of Art and Design: Basic Department,  Department of Creative Planning and Design Management,  Department of Visual Communication Design,  Department of Environmental Design,  Department of Product Design,  Department of Clothing and Apparel Design,  Department of Environmental Design,  Department of Animation
  • College of Music and Dance: Department of Music, Department of Dance, Department of Popular Music
  • College of Theatre, Film and Television: Department of Acting, Department of Broadcasting and Hosting Art

Bachelor Level Programs

Bachelor of Arts [Art Design (Creative Planning and Design Management),Visual Communication Design, Environmental Design, Product Design, Clothing and Apparel Design, Animation, Acting (Film, Television and Theatre), Broadcasting and Hosting Art, Choreography, Music Performance (Popular Instrumental Performance), Music Performance (Popular Music Performance), Music Performance (Instrumental Performance), Music Performance (Vocal Performance), Music Performance (Music Creation), Musicology (Teacher Education)]

The estimated duration of studying: four years.

Master Level Programs

MA in Art Theory, MA in Musicology and Dancology,  MA in Theatre and Film Studies, MA in Fine Arts, MA in. Artistic Design, MA in Art and Design

The estimated duration of studying: three years

Research Activity and Main Areas

The Division (Division of Arts) is devoted to excellence in teaching, research, exhibition and performance. The main research areas include art and design, printmaking, sculpture, traditional music culture, musical drama, pop song, Chinese traditional dance, psychological therapy.

Subject Areas for Exchange Students

All subjects (all subjects are open, can be further discussed by case)

Application Deadlines

Spring semester: October 1, 2023 ~ November 30, 2023

Fall semester: April 1 ~May 30, 2024

Teaching Languages


Cost of Living Per Month (Studying and Living)

Accommodation: 6000-10000 RMB per semester;

Living: 2000 RMB per month;

Tuition fees: depending on the exchange agreement.   


Bachelor: 2533
Master: 399

Exchange Students

Incoming: about 2
Outgoing: about 7

Teaching Staff

Professors: 18
Lectures: 79
Other permanent teachers: 67

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