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National School of Architecture, Art and Design Tecnológico de Monterrey

National School of Architecture, Art and Design Tecnológico de Monterrey

Mexico Full Member Institution

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Mission Statement

At the Architecture, Art and Design School we create worlds that welcome and make diversity flourish, enable trust, harmony and make a future desirable and durable for everyone. We are the territory turned transformative impulse; reflection that projects and materializes value. We are creative leadership that generates community. 

International Role

The School of AAD has been positioned in the top 50 schools of Art and Design, according to QS World Universities Ranking, for the past years. Ranked 46 in 2017. We have strong links with Politecnico di Milano, Aalto University, Parsons, Tongji and Tsinghua. 

National Role

Our institution has a national presence through its 29 campi, our school offers bachelor programs on 12 of them. This national network allows us to reach most of the states, working and attending the variety of contexts within our country. As a school, we have been working on the immediate surroundings of our campus, with a project called Districto Tec, what allows us to work with different institutions, other universities and organized society to improve the conditions. 

Main Focus

Currently, we offer 3 bachelor programs, but we are expecting to re open the Master in Industrial Design and Product Innovation. 

Faculties and Departments


Industrial Design

Animation and Digital Art

Bachelor Level Programs

BA in Architecture – 5 years

BA in Industrial- 4.5 years

BA in Animation and Digital Art -4.5 years

Research Activity and Main Areas

User-based design

Strategic design

Design thinking

Subject Areas for Exchange Students

The 3 bacherlor programs are open to exchange students, taught in spanish. 

Industrial Design's program availabe at https://samp.itesm.mx/Programas/VistaPrograma?clave=LDI17&modoVista=Default&idioma=ES&cols=0

Animation and Digital Art's program available at https://samp.itesm.mx/Programas/VistaPrograma?clave=LAD17&modoVista=Default&idioma=ES&cols=0

Architecture's program available at http://admision.itesm.mx/folleto/arq

Application Deadlines

January 19

February 9

March 9

April 20

May 18

June 22

Teaching Languages

The complete programs is taught in Spanish

25% of the programs are taught in english, the subjects depend on the campus and the exchange students interested. 

We are increasing the number of subjects taught in enlish, aiming to offer the programs 100% in english at least in one campus in the near future.

Semester Dates

2018 dates

Spring semester: January 8th – May 15th

Summer school: May 28th – July 6th

Fall semester: August 6th – November 30th


Bachelor: 6,150

Exchange Students

Incoming: 600
Outgoing: 2,000

Teaching Staff

Lectures: 3
Other permanent teachers: 150
Part-time Teachers: 590

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