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Loughborough University

School of Design and Creative Arts

United Kingdom Full Member Institution

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Mission Statement

Design and Creative Arts were two separate organisational entities which came together in 2020 to become one integrated School of Design and Creative Arts. Both parts of the School bring with them areas of excellence in teaching, research and enterprise.  Both entities are known for being ‘hands-on’, creative and industry-oriented, incorporating different, yet complementary ways of thinking about problems and proposing solutions in rigorous yet creative ways. We have the benefit of comprehensive breadth across art and design disciplines and being part of a University that covers a wide range of science, engineering and humanities disciplines with campuses in the Midlands and London. 

International Role

The School of Design and Creative Arts has a strong reputation at international level but would like to have a greater presence on the international stage. Members will go out on visits to other design schools abroad, making use of the opportunities wthin the
Erasmus and Cumulus network. We hope to work closely with key Design Schools around the world on interantional partnerships including  teaching, research and enterprise.

National Role

We have several national research collaborations (within the UK) and participate in many nationally funded projects relating to Design research. 

The British Industrial Design Association (BIDA) invited over 1000 design practitioners to take part in a 2015 survey which had the simple question:

“Which design schools create the most employable Ba, BSc or BDes industrial or practical design graduates?”

From a list of the current 70 design institutions in the UK, respondents to the survey selected up to five design schools. We were proud to discover that Loughborough came top. 

Main Focus

Our multi-disciplinary design courses equip our students with the essential skills and understanding for their respective design programme. Skills include the effective development and communication of design ideas; recognising and understanding the user and their interaction with products, service systems, and/or spaces; product styling; and use of a wide range of prototyping skills and technologies within design practice.


Faculties and Departments

  • Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering
  • Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering
  • Business and Economics
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Chemistry
  • Communication and Media
  • Computer Science
  • School of Design and Creative Arts
  • English, Drama and Publishing
  • Geography and Environment
  • Materials
  • Mathematical Sciences
  • Mathematics Education Centre
  • Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering
  • Physics
  • Politics and International Studies
  • Social and Policy Studies
  • Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences
  • Teacher Education
  • School of Science
  • School of Social Sciences

Bachelor Level Programs

Industrial Design BA (Hons) degree (3 or 4 years)

Design BA (Hons) degree (3 or 4 years)

Product Design and Technology BSc (Hons) degree (3 or 4 years)

Fashion Design and Technology BA (Hons) degree (3 or 4 years)

Fine Art BA (Hons) degree (3 or 4 years)

Graphic Design BA (Hons) degree (3 or 4 years)

Textile Design BA (Hons) degree (3 or 4 years)


Master Level Programs

Ergonomics and Human Factors MSc, PG Dip, PGCert

Human Factors and Ergonomics for Patient Safety MSc

User Experience and Service Design MA

User Experience Design MSc

Integrated Industrial Design MSc

Storytelling MA, PGCert

Graphic Design and Visualisation MA

Theatre MA

Research Activity and Main Areas

Loughborough School of Design and Creative Arts (SDCA) has a strong international reputation for research and enterprise that makes a real difference to people's lives around the world. With over 50 research active academic staff and about 100 PhD students SDCA is one of the UK's largest centres for design research. Our unique blend of skills, expertise and world-class facilities in design, creative arts, ergonomics and human factors makes us an ideal partner for industry, commerce and the public sector leading to successful collaborations in sectors such as consumer products, healthcare, transport, energy, technology , digital media, sport and government. Our research has been presented around the world in leading conferences and published in the world's highest-ranking journals ensuring that the results of our work reach a truly global audience . In the last 5 years the School has produced more than 670 journal papers which in turn have been cited more than 2,800 times.

We have a number of proven enterprise mechanisms that ensure our research is effectively translated into real impact in society around the world. These include consultancy,contract research, knowledge transfer partnerships, staff secondments and tailored CPD training. Our research has led to innovative new products and services, improved safety standards in healthcare and transport and more productive ways of working. We are extremely proud of our facilities, staff , expertise and students and all the potential we have available to our partners in industry and the public sector.


Doctorate Level Programs

We have a PhD community of around 100 full time and part time UK, EU and international research students.

 If students would rather do an MPhil, then we also offer these full-time or part-time.

Subject Areas for Exchange Students

A number of Design Modules including 

Design Practice

User Experience

Student project (Exchange Students ony)

Application Deadlines

Normally end of June each academic year 

Teaching Languages

English only

Semester Dates

Semester 1 – 1st October to 15th February

Semesetr 2 –  16th February to 15th June

Cost of Living Per Month (Studying and Living)

Cost of living is approximately £700 per month


Bachelor: 700
Master: 100
Doctorate: 100

Exchange Students

Incoming: 20
Outgoing: 20
Others: 10

Teaching Staff

Professors: 8
Lectures: 35
Other permanent teachers: 5
Part-time Teachers: 5

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