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Hubei University of Technology

School of Arts & Design, School of Industrial Design

WUHAN , China Full Member Institution

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Mission Statement

Our teaching in Art and Design School has always focused on cultivating students' innovative spirit and ability to think independently, striving to improve students' overall comprehensive quality. We focus on academic exchanges and devote much attention to research design discipline development trends at home and abroad. Furthermore, we advocate rigorous scholarship participation, and a realistic study style that focuses on a practical theoretical process. Our college emphasizes community design, design and craft making, and a combination of arts and sciences. Our goal is to cultivate the students' ability to observe life clearly and objectively so they can contribute to the national economy and ongoing construction of culture. We strive to create an active academic atmosphere and a solid education environment.

Training Objectives: creative translators who cultivate excellent cultural resources, fusion of creative economy and design art; design topnotch talents who directly serve the nation's emerging pillar industries, economic and cultural transformation. Our goal is to cultivate 70% of students as practical talents, create a sense of modernity and artisan skills, and become practitioners of "modern design." At HBUT 20% of students are positioned as research talents who will shape transformational awareness and build up a spirit of becoming the builder of "China Design." Another 10% of students are positioned as frontier exploration talents or creative spirits and will become new leaders of "world design."

The predecessor of the School of Industrial Design at Hubei University of Technology was the Department of Arts and Crafts founded in 1978, which now lasts over 40 years of professional education history. In terms of design education, the philosophy of our college is to cultivate high-quality design talents with interdisciplinary knowledge in art design, artificial intelligent technology, and mechanical manufacturing, as well as a global perspective and innovative spirit. Our college offers specialized courses in Sustainable Smart Home Design, Sustainable Intelligent Transportation Design, Interactive and Information Product Design, Smart Toy Design, and Intelligent Electromechanical Product and Equipment Design. 

Training Objectives: Our college is committed to cultivating outstanding interdisciplinary talents in art and science, who are capable of adapting to the development of pillar industries in China, as well as the transformation of its economy and culture, thus fostering advanced creative designers. Our goal is to cultivate 70% of students as practical talents, create a sense of modernity and artisan skills, and become practitioners of "modern design." At HBUT 20% of students are positioned as research talents who will shape transformational awareness and build up a spirit of becoming the builder of "China Design." Another 10% of students are positioned as frontier exploration talents or creative spirits and will become new leaders of "world design".

International Role

The School of Industrial Design at Hubei University of Technology draws upon the latest concepts and models from the world of design and innovation, constructing an innovative and diverse academic culture. With an open-minded approach to global engagement, we collaborate with universities from various countries, providing ample space and opportunities for international exchange and cooperation. Simultaneously, we contribute abundant talent resources and a strong impetus for national development and social progress. The college actively establishes extensive partnerships with cultural and educational institutions worldwide.

In November 2018, we established "Sino-German Industrial Design Innovation Research Center" (SGID). This organization bases on an open, transnational R+E+M (Research + Education + Manufacture) platform, it aims to continuously integrate education with research and industry resources together, create a sustainable knowledge platform that encompasses multinational research, academic exchange, and industry-academic cooperation. We have hosted several international design forums, invited professors from renowned universities and famous designers to conduct academic lectures, workshops and participate in art exhibitions on our campus. We have also signed agreements with institutions from many countries and regions around the world, such as University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in the United States and Bauhaus University Weimar, Technical University of Munich, University of Applied Sciences Europe in Germany. We have cooperations with industry and institutions from Europe and inland China, for example, Pelikan Group, Dongfeng Group, BR2 Robotics Design and Implementation Research Institute at the Technical University of Munich, German Association for Design and Design History, etc. Our philosophy is to integrate design research and praxis with the creative industry, contribute to cultural diversity and sustainable development.

International cooperation and exchange is a significant mission of the Art and Design School of Hubei University of Technology and we cooperate with many universities in different countries. Facing the world with an open mindset, the college offers ample space and endless opportunities for the development of international exchanges and cooperation. Meanwhile, it also provides abundant intellectual resources and favorable development environments for the country's growth and social progress.

The college actively establishes a wide range of cooperative partnerships with cultural and educational institutions in various countries. The college has set up an international exchange and cooperation office and conducted research on the basic theories of art and science through issue and project cooperation in relevant fields. Moreover, HBUT has successfully implemented inter-school instructor exchange and student exchange programs.

The college has established several international design academic forums which invites professors and well-known designers of prestigious universities to conduct academic lectures and participate in art exhibitions at our campus. We have also signed agreements with institutions in many countries and regions around the world, such as the Peck School of the Arts at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, the Bauhaus Design Institute in Germany, Loughborough University in the UK, BINUS in Indonesia, Italy Brescia Institute of Liberal Arts (LABA), and China Taiwan Zhongyuan University.

National Role

School of Art and Design enjoys a good reputation all over the China and has played a significant leading role in the rapid development of design and education in Hubei Province. It has provided key support for the engineering design,the rise of cultural and creative industries in Hubei Province.To be the top three universities in the province, in the top of the national art design schools.

In the recent five years, the school has successively undertaken essential design tasks entrusted by the State Council, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Post Administration, Propaganda Department of Hubei Provincial Party Committee, Hubei Provincial Procuratorate and other agencies, completed publicity about  national energy -saving and emission reduction posters, prosecutors in Hubei Province College Sculpture and other well-known productions.

The "Design of hubei university of technology" renowned throughout the country for the rapid development of Hubei design and education has played an momentous leading role in Hubei Province, engineering design, the rise of cultural and creative industries to provide a key support .

Hubei University of Technology has won the first prize of the National Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Fisheries Harvest Award successively, the first prize of the national energy-saving and emission reduction work solicitation and the second prize of the Hubei Provincial Social Science Excellent Achievement Award. It won the "National Best Stamp Design Award" 10 national art awards and 63 other provincial and ministry art awards. In the past five years, having received 3 art projects funded by the National Social Science , 4 National Art Fund and 4 Social Science Projects under the Ministry of Education. The National Natural Science Foundation, the National Social Science Fund and the Social Science Fund of the Ministry of Education approved in cooperation with the Brother College have more than 20 items.

The School of Industrial Design at Hubei University of Technology enjoys a good reputation nationwide and plays a leading role in the rapid development of design and education in Hubei Province. It provides crucial support for the rise of industrial design and cultural creative industries in the province. Our college aims to become one of the top three universities in the province and a leader among innovation design schools nationwide.Our college currently offers a national first-class major, "Product Design," and a Hubei provincial first-class major, "Industrial Design." It has 1 virtual teaching and research office designated by the Ministry of Education, 3 national first-class courses, 8 provincial first-class (fine quality) courses, 1 Hubei Provincial Master Teacher Studio, 1 provincial-level outstanding teaching team, and 1 provincial-level outstanding grassroots teaching organization.

Main Focus

Art and Design School offers many major research directions- they are Environmental Design, Visual Communication Design, Public Art, Digital and Multimedia Design.

1. Environmental Art Design

The main research studies the relationships between indoor and outdoor space environment design as a way of thinking utilizing space, form, function, organization, scale, material, and other processes and forms of expression. There is also an emphasis placed on theoretical research of relationships between space and society, culture, and environment.

2. Visual Communication Design

The main research is the design field of various image information transmissions, which chiefly includes overall image planning, brand and packaging strategies, display planning, information design and digital media expression, user interface design, and other fields covering all aspects of integration and promotion.

3. Public Art

The main research is based on a conceptual thinking mode of public arts and design practice which includes materials, technology, art concepts, intangible cultural heritage and other aspects based on the design practice. Theoretical study is conducted in regard to relationships between public art and society, culture, and environment.

4. Digital and Multimedia Design

  Mainly in animation and digital media art practice and focus on creative thinking and practice. On the status and prospects of digital media to do practical theoretical research, original animation, digital technology, animation software, game development and other aspects of the study included.

School of Industrial Design offers many major research directions- they are:

1. Intelligent Mechatronic Product and Equipment Design: This direction cultivates talents who are able to adapt to the strategic requirements of national development in the new era, possess design and innovation capabilities, and can engage in design development, research, planning, management and other work in the field of industrial design. They also have a broad international perspective, high-quality interdisciplinary design talents that can adapt to the market economy. Graduates have a wide range of employment opportunities, mainly engaging in industrial design, user research and experience design, product planning and design in sectors such as manufacturing, software and information technology services, scientific research and design services.

2. Sustainable Smart Home Design: This program aims to cultivate innovative talents in product design who have creative design thinking and technological engineering literacy, emphasizing the integration of art and engineering. Students will be equipped with a mindset focused on creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship, with a solid foundation in the theoretical knowledge of product design. They will be proficient in both hand-drawing techniques and computer-aided design skills. Additionally, they will have a strong foundation in Chinese culture and an international cultural perspective. Graduates will possess the ability to design home products that feature the intersecting characteristics of “sustainability” and “intelligence” in innovative and creative ways.

3. Interaction and Information Product Design: This program aims to cultivate highly skilled innovative designers who integrate information technology and art. Through digital means, students will use interfaces, products, or environments as mediums to create more efficient, comfortable, and convenient software and hardware designs or service designs for users in the information age. Graduates will possess integration capabilities in technology and art, design planning centered around user experience, and innovative abilities to explore new solutions by combining information industry advancements with societal needs.

4. Sustainable Smart Transportation Design: This program emphasizes the integration of art and technology, theory and practice, taking into account various factors such as societal demands, technological trends, and environmental protection. It is based on the fundamental principles and concepts of transportation styling design, with a focus on intelligence, informatization, and interconnection. The program aims to cultivate high-quality design professionals with strong innovative capabilities who can develop transportation vehicles to meet a variety of people’s needs or specific scenario requirements.

5. Intelligent Toy Design: This program combines smart technology with educational concepts, focusing on nurturing students’ creative design thinking, technical application, and practical skills. It emphasizes meeting educational needs and cognitive characteristics, guiding students to design intelligent toys that are not only educational but also entertaining. An experienced team of teachers provides guidance in specialized laboratories, shaping highly skilled and adaptable innovative designers with strong comprehensive design capabilities.

Faculties and Departments

The School of Industrial Design at Hubei University of Technology originated from the establishment of the Arts and Crafts major in 1978, making it one of the first institutions in domestic science and polytechnic universities to establish a product design major. In 2015, in response to the national strategy of transforming into a manufacturing powerhouse as outlined in "Made in China 2025", the university consolidated resources from related majors such as product design, product design (Sino-US Joint Educational Program), and industrial design to establish the School of Industrial Design.

The School of Industrial Design is guided by the principles of "sustainable design"and"collaborative innovation in arts, engineering, and science".  It offers five specialized tracks in Sustainable Smart Home Product Design, Sustainable Smart Transportation Design, Interaction and Information Product Design, Intelligent Electromechanical Product and Equipment Design, and Smart Toy Design. The school adopts a "2+2" training model (students enter their specialized track starting from the third year of study).

The School of Art and Design of Hubei University of Technology was founded in 1978 with 103 employees, including 80 full-time teachers, 12 professors and 25 associate professors.

There are four major disciplines in the school: Environmental Art Design, Visual Communication Design, Public Art Design, Digital and Multimedia Design.

Bachelor Level Programs

The School of Art and Design

There are 50-60 courses for the four-year undergraduate education phase. These courses are worth 180 credits in total, including 137.5 credits of compulsory courses, 35.5 credits of public education courses, 29.5 credits of general-education compulsory courses, 21.5 credits of discipline courses oriented to its basis, 12 credits for core courses of professions and 27.5 credits in optional courses.

Major courses:

Environmental Art Design: Interior Design, Design of Living Space, Creative Thinking of Space and Model Lesson, Landscape Design, Presentation Planning and Originality, Design of Office Space, Design of Commercial Space.

Environmental Art Design (Oriented to Display Design): Display Space Design, Introduction to Display Design, Display Props Design, Exhibition Display Design, Display and Visual Communication Design, Display Design of Culture, Planning and Design of Community.

Visual Communication Design: Small and Medium-sized Packaging Design, Gift Package Design, UI Design, Systematic Brand Design, Container Model Design, Typography, Logo and CIS Planning, Poster Design, Pop Design, Book Design and Printing, Guide System Design, Video Editing, Digital Design.

Public Art: Creative Design and Application, Illustration, Decorative Picture, Contemporary Art Appreciation, Decorative Art Appreciation, Composite Material and Craft, Silk Screen Printing Design, Fiber Art Creation, Public Facilities Design, Ceramic Art Design.

Digital and Multimedia Design: Animation Character Modeling Design and Production, Animation Techniques, 3D Character Modeling, Concept Design, Split Lens Design, 3D Design and Special Effects, Animation in the Late Synthesis, 3D Lighting and Rendering, Short Film Creation and Post Synthesis.

The School of Industrial Design:

The Industrial Design
The Industrial Design program aims to cultivate students with a comprehensive development in moral, intellectual, physical, and aesthetic aspects. Graduates are expected to possess a certain level of cultural literacy and a strong sense of social responsibility, as well as a solid foundation in natural science and specialized knowledge. They should demonstrate good learning abilities, practical skills, professional competence, and innovative thinking. Upon graduation, they should be capable of engaging in design, manufacturing, technical development, engineering applications, production management, and technical services within their professional field and related interdisciplinary areas as high-caliber specialized professionals.

Product Design (Sino US Joint Educational Program):
This program, approved by the Ministry of Education, is jointly cultivated by Hubei University of Technology and the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in the United States. It aims to cultivate high-quality talents with a broad knowledge base, international perspective, innovative spirit, proficient in both Western and Chinese industrial design theories and design techniques. These talents are capable of engaging in various types of product design, design art teaching, and research on an international level.

Product Design:
This major cultivates designers with humanistic qualities, scientific spirit, an international perspective, and an understanding of the forefront of professional development. They possess a solid foundation in industrial design theory, professional knowledge, design innovation capabilities, aesthetic abilities, hands-on skills, and organizational skills. They are also proficient in applying modern information technology and analytical tools, possessing communication and teamwork skills, a sense of self-directed and lifelong learning, as well as innovation and entrepreneurship abilities. They are high-quality, innovative, and application-oriented talents capable of engaging in industrial product styling and related fields in design, development, research, planning, management, and other areas related to industrial product styling as high-caliber, innovative, and application-oriented professionals.

Major courses:

Courses in Design Foundation: Form Development, Product Materials and Processes, Introduction to Graphic Programming and Intelligent Control, Product Structure and Design, Engineering Drawing, Design History and Theory, User Research and Experience Design, Sustainable Design, Social and Cultural Innovative Design, Intelligent Design, etc.

Intelligent Electromechanical Product and Equipment Design (Industrial Design Major): Advanced Mathematics, College Physics, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Science and Technology Design I: Introduction to Graphic Programming and Intelligent Control, Engineering Drawing, Science and Technology Design II: Embedded Design and Programming Language, Thematic Design III: Intelligent Design, Product Semantics, Professional Design 2 – Intelligent Industrial Product Design, Fundamentals of Mechanical Design, Electrical Engineering and Electronics, Product Materials and Processes.

Sustainable Smart Home Design: Cognition Home Product Design, Product Semantics, Design Research and Methods, Culture and Product Design, Furniture Thematic Design, Information Product Design, Sustainable Home Design, Fun Home Product Design, Smart Home Appliance Product Design, Business Integration and Innovative Design, Social Innovation and Service Design, Sustainable Home Product Design.

Interaction and Information Product Design: Interaction Design Cognition, Visual Information Design, UI Interface Design, Interactive Software Programming and Applications, Interaction Design Special Topic I: APP Design and Practice, Foundation of Interaction Design Engineering Technology, Service Design, Virtual Reality and Application Design, Interaction Special Topic II: Intelligent Interaction Product Design, Intelligent Interface Interaction Design (Automotive Driving), Interaction Design Project Management and Implementation, Interactive Integrated Design and Practice.

Design of Sustainable Smart Transportation Vehicles: Traffic Design Cognition, Morphological Design Expression (Hand Drawing), Parameter Design Expression (Alias), Clay Model Making, Traffic Competition Design, Portable Transportation Vehicle Design, Interior Design, Intelligent Control Interface Design, Multi-functional Transportation Vehicle Design, Green Travel Product Design, Small Transportation Vehicle Design, Derivative Transportation Vehicle Design.

Intelligent Toy Design: Toy Design Cognition, Toy Form Design, Innovative Design of Traditional Toys, Fashion Concept Toy Design, Mechanical and Electric Toy Assembly Training (Assembly Training), Intelligent Control and Programming, Toys and CMF, STEM Theme Toy Design, Human-Computer Interaction and Virtual Entertainment Design, Outdoor Amusement Facility Design, Original IP and Online Game Design.

Master Level Programs

The school of Arts and Design of Hubei University of Technology was founded in 1996. It is the first batch of universities in Hubei which received a master's degree in Arts and Design. In the same year, our school's Arts and Design major became the only key subject in Hubei province.

The school provides 50-60 courses for three years of master's degree education. The total credits for the course is 50 credits. The degree courses are worth 31 credits, including public compulsory courses which are worth 8 credits, professional basic courses and professional courses are required for 23 credits. Professional elective courses are worth 7 credits. Professional practice is worth 10 credits, the academic report is worth 1 credit and another one credit for RAS TA practice.

The basic courses of graduate study include Modern and Contemporary Art, Modern Design Aesthetics, Arts and Design Methods.

Professional courses include Corporate Image Strategy Institute (CIS), Digital Packaging Design, Book and Plate Design, Text Design Research, Symbol Design and Communication Application Research.

Professional elective courses include the practice of digital media and design, art design, sign design, advertisement animation creation and practice, fiber art techniques and creative arts.

Compulsory courses for respective majors:

Environmental Art Design: Architectural Interior Space Design, Urban Landscape Design, Public Art Design, Environmental System Design, Chinese and Foreign Interior Design Style.

Public Art: Creation of Lacquer Engraving Techniques and Research, Creation, Design and Practice of Murals, Ceramic Design and Practice, Design and Decoration for Hand.

Advertising Design: Advertising and Communication Studies, Integrated Marketing Research and Practice, Advertising Media Planning and Design, Advertising Creativity and Performance, Brand Image Planning and Design.

Digital and Multimedia Design: Two-dimensional Animation Short Film Creation Research and Practice, Role Modeling Design and Practice, 3D Animation Research and Practice, Lattice Animation Practice, Animation Master Research.

Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering (Industrial Design Engineering): Following the concept of sustainable design, and utilizing an interdisciplinary training model integrating “Art, Engineering, and Science,” the program focuses on industrial design as the research field. The main research subjects include home product design, electromechanical product and equipment design, transportation vehicle design, interactive and information product design, aiming to cultivate “industrial design engineers” with a combination of strong artistic literacy and engineering capabilities.

Master’s Degree in Design Studies (Industrial Design Research):

This program primarily focuses on design issues under industrial production methods. Its core is research and design aimed at optimizing the value of artificially produced goods and their environment for mass production. The purpose is to systematically address the relationship between “people” and “objects,” and to fully consider and implement sustainable design concepts throughout the entire process from production, distribution to disposal. It covers a wide range of fields including daily products, home products, furniture home appliances, transportation vehicles, and production equipment.

Master’s Degree in Art and Design (Product Design):

This program primarily focuses on product design issues under industrial production methods. Its core is research and design aimed at optimizing the value of artificially produced goods and their environment for mass production. The purpose is to systematically address the relationship between “people” and “objects,” and to fully consider and implement sustainable design concepts throughout the entire process from production, distribution to disposal. It covers a wide range of fields including daily products, home products, Information Products, transportation vehicles, and production equipment.

Compulsory courses for respective majors:

Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering (Industrial Design Engineering):

Academic Ethics and Writing Guidance, Engineering Ethics, Mechanical and Electrical Structure Design, Mathematical Statistics, Analysis of Classic Industrial Design Cases, Product Development and Design Research, Intelligent Engineering and Creative Integration, Mid-term Design Practice 1, Mathematical Modeling Applications, Intellectual Property Rights, Techno-Economics and Economic Law, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Employment Guidance, Ecological Civilization, Sustainable Development and Circular Economy, Introduction to Big Data, Social Science Research Methods.

Master of Design in Academic Degree Program (Industrial Design Research):

Introduction to Design, Design and Methodology Research, History of Chinese Arts and Crafts, History of Industrial Design, Product Materials and Process Research, Traditional Creative Practice Research, Intelligent Engineering and Creative Integration, Design Innovation, Appreciation of Transportation Vehicles.

Master of Fine Arts in Art and Design (Product Design):

History of Chinese Arts and Crafts, History of Industrial Design, Design semantics, Design Methodology and Research, Interdisciplinary Integrated Design and Implementation, Traditional Culture and Design Research, Product Development and Design Research, Product Materials and Process Research, Mid-term Design Practice, Interaction Design Research, Sustainable Design Research, Mechanical and Electrical Structure Design, Product Intelligent Design Research, Design Innovation.

Research Activity and Main Areas

1. Visual Communication and Design Management – promoting the research on the transformation of cultural industries in the Yangtze River Economic Belt, brand planning, and practice for the government and large-scale institutions. In the past five years, the college has been approved by the National Social Science Fund Project, "Construction and Market Research of Chinese Artworks Authentication System", Humanities and Social Sciences Project of Ministry of Education, "Development and Research of Regional Cultural Tourism Products", Major Project of Philosophy and Social Science in Hubei Province "Art authentication system construction and industrial development model."

2. Eco-environment design and planning – focusing on urban landscape construction and municipal engineering design. Closely integrated with the planning ideas of Wuhan’s city declaration of world design, a large number of municipal cultural highlights have been produced, effectively supporting the construction of a "national central city" in Wuhan.

3. Industrial Design and Information interaction – research on interactive design based on "smart city" construction. The development of social economy and cultural industry needs to cover the frontier fields of design, art and culture, which represents the main growth points of art and design disciplines.

4. Handicrafts heritage and innovation – traditional handicrafts and non-material culture heritage. Our college has built a pottery Institute, Lacquer Arts Institute, Institute of apparel brands, wooden workshops and other institutes to participate in the construction of non-material culture research center in Hubei Province. "Wood Yan Tang" Ming and Qing Furniture Museum is the first personal furniture museum in Hubei Province. It has become an important platform to carry forward traditional culture and promote the construction of a social and spiritual civilization.

5.Intelligent Mechatronic Product and Equipment Design: This research field primarily focuses on various mechatronic products, enhancing product functionality through intelligent and digital technologies to improve competitiveness in areas such as human-machine interaction, product interfaces, and product displays. For various large-scale production equipment, improving core competitiveness for related products through technological and material innovations, as well as providing comprehensive design solutions for enterprises by optimizing brand image, operational logic, and display effects.

6.Sustainable Smart Home Design: – The integration of sustainable design concepts into home product design showcases a new way of living that not only emphasizes individuals’ responsibility to the environment but also reflects society’s concern for sustainable development. Traditional cultural aesthetic elements, intangible cultural heritage craftsmanship, and modern digital technology are integrated. Innovative design inspired by traditional culture involves the extraction and transformation of traditional cultural elements to create a new form of design that is internalized within the existing cultural essence and shaped by creative values, preserving the core values of culture while meeting the demands of the fashion market. With a focus on elderly users, attention is given to the practical needs of the elderly population in their daily lives, aiming to create a smart home environment suitable for elderly users.

7.Interaction and Information Product Design: – The research focus of this field mainly includes information interaction design, intelligent information product design, human-computer engineering design application research, augmented reality, digital twins, metaverse, user experience design, service design, digital cultural heritage preservation and dissemination design, scientific and information visualization, etc. This direction has yielded three national-level projects, several provincial projects, and numerous research papers.

8.Sustainable Smart Transportation Design

9.Intelligent Toy Design

Doctorate Level Programs

At present, the university has been a doctoral degree conferring university since 2017.

HBUT currently has more than 1,300 full-time faculty members, of whom over 710 got high academic titles, over 552 are doctoral supervisors and master’s supervisors. The proportion of teachers with doctorate degrees has reached more than 51%. HBUT has recruited 25 national elites, and more than 165 provincial experts specializing in various fields. Among them, 1 is dual-hire academician, 2 are under the National Recruitment Program of Global Experts, 2 are honorary professors in the Cheung Kong Scholars Program initiated by the Ministry of Education, 2 are winners of the National Special Support Program for High-level Talents, 2 are winners of the National Talents Project, 8 experts enjoy special grants from the State Council, 1 is outstanding mid-aged expert, 3 are National Role Model (Excellent) faculty members,5 are senior foreign experts. The faculty also includes 25 experts under the Hubei Provincial Recruitment Program of Global Experts, 111 Chutian Scholars, 4 with the title of Reputable Teacher in Hubei, 2 masters of Reputable Teacher’s workshop in Hubei, and 2 Chutian Mentor Award winners. Additionally, HBUT has recruited 358 influential scholars, 9 of which are domestic academicians and 8 are foreign academicians, as part-time professors from renowned domestic and overseas universities, scientific research institutes, and large-scale enterprises and public institutions.


Subject Areas for Exchange Students

  1. Environmental Art Design

  2. Visual Communication Design

  3. Industrial/Product Design

  4. Architecture and Interior Design

  5. Digital Media Desig

Application Deadlines

  1. From February 1st to May 31th

Teaching Languages

  1. English and Chinese

Semester Dates

  1. Fall semester (September 1st  to next January 6th)

  2. Spring semester(February 26th to July 8th)

Cost of Living Per Month (Studying and Living)

  1. Accommodation fee: € 235  per month
  2. Cost of living: € 200 per month


Bachelor: 1673
Master: 321

Exchange Students

Incoming: 12
Outgoing: 29
Others: 17

Teaching Staff

Professors: 37
Lectures: 44
Other permanent teachers: 20
Part-time Teachers: 14

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