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Hubei Institute of Fine Arts

China Full Member Institution

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Mission Statement

As one of China's earliest art Academy, Hubei Institute of Fine Arts (HIFA) is an important cradle of modern higher art education in the country. Over the past years, HIFA has developed an "inclusive" academic spirit and the "compatible and interactive" teaching principle, cultivating generations of outstanding students who are in sincere pursuit of "Morality, Academic Progress, Action and Beauty" and dedicate their talent to the society, making unique contributions to the development of fine arts in China. 

International Role

HIFA has signed cooperation agreements with over 26 institutions in more than 10 countries in Europe, North America and Asia, to carry out such activities as lectures, academic visits, artist residence,study exchange programs, short-term study tours, workshops and international exhibitions. 
Our partner universities include:

  1. University of Washington School of Art(America)
  3. Deutsch-chinesischer Kulturaustausch fuer Kunset und Design e.v.,DCKD. (Germany)
  4. Brand Academy—Hochschule fur Design und Kommunikation (Germany)
  5. Accademia di belle arti di Roma (Italy)
  6. Accademia Delle Blle Art di Napoli (Italy)
  7. Polimoda Institute of Fashion Design and Marketing (Italy)
  8. Nuova Accademia Di Belle Arti(NABA) (Italy)
  9. FH JOANNEUM Gesellschaft mbH University of Applied Sciences
  10. Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow
  11. Higher School of Art and Design of Saint-Etienne (France)
  13. AD EDUCATION (France) 
  14. Surikov Academy of Fine Arts, Moscow
  15. School of Art and Design of Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts,Switzerland
  16. Hongik University, South Korea
  17. Chun-Ang University, South Korea
  18. Hanseo University, South Korea
  19. Tokyo University of the Arts, Japan
  20. Burapha University in Thailand
  21. Manchester Metropolitan University
  22. University of Wales Trinity Saint David
  23. Hanyang University, South Korea
  24. Autonomous University of Queretaro, Mexico
  25. Federal University of Parana, Brazil
  26. Lao National University

National Role

Hubei Institute of Fine Arts has a high status and influence in China. It is the only fine arts institution in central China with multi-disciplinary categories and multi-educational levels, and it is also one of the eight independent fine arts academies in China. At the same time, Hubei Institute of Fine Arts is also one of the first 32 Master of Arts professional degree (MFA) education pilot units, with the right to grant bachelor's and master's degrees, and was selected as the "Domestic first-class discipline construction university" in Hubei Province. We have maintained close art cooperation with many Chinese art universities and some China Top 500 enterprises.

Main Focus

HIFA is a professional art and design university, our research focus oriented in BA, MA, design, art, crafts, research etc.

Faculties and Departments

  1. School of Chinese Painting
  2. School of Painting
  3. School of Sculpture and Public Art
  4. School of Experimental Arts
  5. School of Art Education
  6. School of Film and Television Animation
  7. School of Visual Arts and Design
  8. School of Fashion Design Arts
  9. School of Environmental Arts
  10. School of Industrial Design
  11. School of Arts and Crafts Design
  12. School of Arts and Humanities
  13. School of Innovation
  14. Department of Public Studies
  15. School of Marxism

Bachelor Level Programs

  1. Chinese Painting ,4 years, BA in fine arts
  2. Calligraphy,4 years, BA in fine arts
  3. Oil Painting, 4 years, BA in fine arts
  4. Print Making, 4 years, BA in fine arts
  5. Illustration Art, 4 years, BA in fine arts
  6. Watercolour Painting,4 years, BA in fine arts
  7. Mural Painting and Composite Material Painting,4 years, BA in fine arts
  8. Sculpture,4 years, BA in fine arts
  9. Public art,5 years, BA in fine arts
  10. Transmedia Art, 4 years, BA in fine arts
  11. Ceramic Art Design, 4 years, BA in fine arts
  12. Arts and Crafts Design, 4 years, BA in fine arts
  13. Fine Arts Education, 4 years, BA in fine arts
  14. Visual Communication Design, 4 years, BA in fine arts
  15. Print Graphic Design, 4 years, BA in fine arts
  16. Photographic Art, 4 years, BA in fine arts
  17. Clothing and Costume Design, 4 years, BA in fine arts
  18. Costume Performance and Design, 4 years, BA in fine arts
  19. Fiber Art, 4 years, BA in fine arts
  20. Environmental Design, 4 years, BA in fine arts
  21. Art and Technology, 4 years, BA in fine arts
  22. Product Design, 4 years, BA in fine arts
  23. Display Design, 4 years, BA in fine arts
  24. Drama, film and television Art design, 4 years, BA in fine arts
  25. Animation, 4 years, BA in fine arts
  26. Digital Media Art, 4 years, BA in fine arts
  27. Film and television photography and Production, 4 years, BA in fine arts
  28. Art Design, 4 years, BA in fine arts
  29. Theory of Art History, 4 years, BA in fine arts
  30. Art Management, 4 years, BA in fine arts
  31. Fine Arts Study, 4 years, BA in fine arts
  32. Art Education, four years, Bachelor's degree in Education
  33. Landscape Architecture, Bachelor's degree in Engineering
  34. Industrial Design, Bachelor's degree in Engineering
  35. Cultural Industry Management, Bachelor's degree in Management

Master Level Programs

01 Research on Chinese painting art, 3 years,MFA
02 Calligraphy and seal cutting research, 3 years,MFA
03 Oil painting art research, 3 years,MFA
04 Digital painting art research, 3 years,MFA
05 Printmaking art research, 3 years,MFA
06 Illustration art research, 3 years,MFA
07 Mural painting and comprehensive material research, 3 years,MFA
08 Watercolor art research, 3 years,MFA
09 Sculpture art research, 3 years,MFA
10. Public art research, 3 years,MFA
11. New media art research, 3 years,MFA
12 Video art research, 3 years,MFA
13 Experimental art research, 3 years,MFA
14 Plastic arts research, 3 years,MFA
15 Art education research, 3 years,MFA
16 Research on social aesthetic education and rural revitalization, 3 years,MFA
17 Animation art research, 3 years,MFA
18 Research on art of drama, film and television design, 3 years,MFA
19 Research on visual communication design, 3 years,MFA
20 Science and technology image research, 3 years,MFA
21 Photography art research, 3 years,MFA
22 Research on sustainable landscape design, 3 years,MFA
23 Environmental art design research, 3 years,MFA
24 Clothing and costume design research, 3 years,MFA
25 Fiber art design research, 3 years,MFA
26 Industrial design methods and theoretical research, 3 years,MFA
27 Industrial products and display design research, 3 years,MFA
28 Ceramic art design research, 3 years,MFA
29 Handicraft design research, 3 years,MFA
30 great lacquer art studies, 3 years,MFA
31 Research on art history, 3 years,MFA
32 Research on art theory, 3 years,MFA
33 Research on the history of calligraphy, 3 years,MFA
34 Research on design history, 3 years,MFA
35 Arts education and management research, 3 years,MFA
36 Cultural heritage research, 3 years,MFA
37 Art archaeological research, 3 years,MFA
38 Innovative design research, 3 years,MFA
39 Engineering arts Research, 3 years,MFA
40 Service design research, 3 years,MFA

Doctorate Level Programs

Since 2010, Hubei Institute of Fine Arts has jointly trained doctoral students with Wuhan University of Technology.

Subject Areas for Exchange Students

You can find the detailed admission brochure on the official website:

Application Deadlines

Application Deadlines:End of June

Teaching Languages

Admission requirements: HSK(Chinese language test) lever 4 or up
Teaching Languages: Chinese, some staff can speak English

Semester Dates

Semester Dates
Spring term: Feb-June 
Autumn term: September – January


Cost of Living Per Month (Studying and Living)

You can find the detailed admission brochure on the official website:


Bachelor: 6960
Master: 981

Exchange Students

Incoming: 5
Outgoing: 20

Teaching Staff

Professors: 66
Lectures: 170
Other permanent teachers: 257

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