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Canadian University Dubai

School of Architecture and Interior Design

Dubai , United Arab Emirates Full Member Institution

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Mission Statement

The mission of the School is to shape a designer’ profile able to adapt and operate in a context of ongoing fast changes in values, attitudes, and means, in increased professional competition, in an unsteady regulatory framework, in a fast and radical transformation of the socio-cultural, natural, financial and technological environments our lives are developed.
The architects and interior designers we educate today will work in a market we cannot predict, as we can only presume this market to be different when our graduates will be at the height of their architectural career. This is why our education focuses on learning how values and principles are manifested into built forms and organizations rather than on certainties, rules, design patterns, and typologies.
The school's mission is therefore to train a new generation of designers that are equipped with 21st century skills and to allow them to tackle the emerging challenges of their time from a culturally rooted, entrepreneurial oriented mindset, and to contribute to present and future sustainable living environments

International Role

The School aims at being recognized as a regional and international Design Hub, where advanced education intertwines with professional practice and the industry in a innovation-driven perspective. For doing so, it is expanding its educational offer to encompass the broader domains of design, offering new undergraduate and postgraduate courses on design innovation and entrepreneurship, from a post-carbon, re-generative standpoint. The School will contribute to the creation of a design ecosystem where most advanced knowledge from the region and internationally convey to contribute in the transition to the circular economy in forecast of a new ecological revolution.

National Role

The School of Architecture and Interior Design is supporting Canadian University Dubai in the establishment of Centers of Excellence that will leverage its local and regional partner universities, associations, industrial and business connections for the achievement of the goals that United Arab Emirates set in its ‘We the UAE 2031’ vision

Main Focus

The School of Architecture and Interior Design offers undergraduate programs that focus on emerging global issues from a re-generative, post-carbon perspective. In parallel, it is developing new undergraduate and post graduate programs where the integration with other disciplines in the university will allow to address sustainability and the transition to the circular economy from a systemic perspective

Faculties and Departments

Department of Architecture

Department of Interior Design

Bachelor Level Programs

BArc Bachelor of Architecture (five years)
BSc Bachelor of Science in Interior Design (four years)

In Progress
BSc DDI Bachelor of Science in Design and Digital Innovation (four years) BSc ID Bachelor of Science in Industrial Design (four years)

Master Level Programs

In Progress
MSc CESI Master of Science in Circular Economy and Systems Innovation (eighteen months) MSc DE Master of Science in Design Entrepreneurship (eighteen months)

Research Activity and Main Areas

The School of Architecture and Interior Design has three main research streams

Design for Social Innovation

This research stream aims at exploring the transformative power of design in addressing complex societal challenges through the lens of social innovation. Design for social innovation emerges as a strategic approach to cultivate solutions that not only respond to immediate needs but also contribute to lasting positive change. This research stream welcomes inquisitive approaches on the theoretical foundations and practical applications of design methodologies aimed at fostering social innovation across diverse contexts. Drawing upon literature review, case studies and examples from various sectors, including dwelling, education, healthcare, and community development, the research herewith conducted aims at highlighting the potential of design-driven interventions to create inclusive, sustainable, and human-centered outcomes. Special attention should be given to the collaborative processes involving diverse stakeholders, including communities, policymakers, and designers, as integral components of successful social innovation initiatives. Furthermore, this research stream delves into the ethical considerations inherent in design for social innovation, emphasizing the importance of cultural sensitivity, participatory approaches, and the empowerment of marginalized voices. By synthesizing insights from design thinking, systems theory, and social science, this research stream should contribute to a comprehensive understanding of how design can serve as a catalyst for positive social change. Ultimately, the findings and research outcomes aim to inspire and guide practitioners, policymakers, and academics in harnessing the potential of design for social innovation, fostering a collective commitment to building more equitable and resilient societies.

Digitalization of the Built Environment

This research stream supports inquisitive approaches to the multifaceted impact of digitalization on the built environment, encompassing the integration of advanced technologies into the design, construction, and management of physical spaces. It welcomes explorations on the transformative trends that digitalization has introduced, such as Building Information Modeling (BIM), Internet of Things (IoT), and smart infrastructure systems, and the way these innovations are reshaping traditional practices, enhancing efficiency, sustainability, and user experience within the built environment. Through an interdisciplinary lens, research conducted within this area examines the implications of digitalization on interior design, architecture, urban planning, and facility management. It delves into the potential benefits, including circularity of processes, streamlined project collaboration, data-driven decision-making, and the creation of intelligent, adaptive environments. Additionally, the research stream addresses challenges related to data security, interoperability, and the need for up-skilling within the industry to fully harness the benefits of digital technologies. Furthermore, the research explores the future prospects of the digitalized built environment, considering emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, augmented reality, and generative design. It discusses how these innovations may shape the evolution of cities, buildings, and infrastructure, fostering resilience and sustainability in the face of evolving societal needs and environmental challenges By synthesizing insights from interior, architecture, engineering, and technology, it embraces the complexity of the ongoing digital transformation in the built environment. The research outcomes aim to inform industry professionals, policymakers, and researchers, fostering a deeper understanding of the opportunities and challenges associated with the digitalization of the built environment.

Design Education

This research stream focuses on the dynamic evolution of design education. Researches conducted here trace design education historical roots, examine the pivotal shifts that have shaped its trajectory – from traditional pedagogies rooted in craftsmanship to contemporary models that integrate technology and interdisciplinary collaboration, while aiming to provide a comprehensive analysis of the changing landscape of design education. The investigations carried out in this area may focus on disruptive keystones such as the rise of digital technologies, globalization, and the increasing emphasis on sustainability and social impact, and their profound influence on design curricula. This research stream supports scholarly efforts carried out through literature review, case studies and comparative analysis of international design education frameworks, to identify innovative approaches that institutions have adopted to adapt to the evolving demands of the design industry. Moreover, research conducted in this stream addresses the role of diversity, equity, and inclusion in design education, recognizing the importance of fostering a representative and inclusive learning environment. It also explores the evolving relationship between academia and industry, emphasizing the need for agile curricula that prepare students for the rapidly changing demands of the professional design landscape. Looking towards the future, the research carried out in this area anticipates emerging trends in design education, including the integration of emerging technologies, virtual learning environments, and a continued emphasis on sustainable and human- centric design principles. By synthesizing insights from design theory, education, and technology, it contributes to a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for design education. The findings of research herewith conducted aim to inform educators, practitioners, and policymakers, providing a foundation for the ongoing evolution of design education that aligns with the dynamic needs of the design profession and society at large.

Doctorate Level Programs


Subject Areas for Exchange Students


Application Deadlines


Teaching Languages


Semester Dates


Cost of Living Per Month (Studying and Living)



Bachelor: 200 curr.
Master: 30 projec.
Doctorate: NA

Exchange Students

Incoming: NA
Outgoing: NA
Others: NA

Teaching Staff

Professors: 9
Lectures: 2
Other permanent teachers: 1
Part-time Teachers: 3

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