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Basque School of Art and High School of Design

Spain Full Member Institution

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Mission Statement

IDarte trains transformative focused designers. They understand their work from a global perspective providing significant solutions to social problems, needs and requirements of Society in cultural, ethical, environmental and socio-economic terms. We believe in design as a transformative public service, based on innovation. We strongly suppor diversity, inclusion and equity policies.

International Role

We take part in Erasmus+ program and in Basque Goverment supported Global Training program with trainees across the world.

National Role

We are members of different associations such as ACESEA (Spanish Association of Higher Artistic Education), CEA (Spanish Association of Art Schools), EIDE (Basque Designers Association) and HABIC (Basque Wood Industry Cluster)

Main Focus

BA in Interior Design related: general home renovation, visual merchandasign, retail design, commercial space design, intergenerational eco-housing, interior design for social rental housing, furniture design in a circular economy environment.

BA in Graphic Design related: general graphic design (print and digital), branding, UX/UI design, packaging design, wayfinding design, typography design, digital media design

We also have 5 EQF level studies in animation, photography and illustration

Across studies fields of interest: Vitoria-Gasteiz is a well known city in sustainability and proximity projects. We take part in tactical urban planning projects and interventions in public space

Faculties and Departments

Departments: BA Fundamentals, VT Fundamentals, Interior Design Representation, Interior Design, Construction, Graphic Design, Digital Media, Photography, Art, History, Management

Bachelor Level Programs

BA in Interior Design and BA in Graphic Design

Subject Areas for Exchange Students

Oferta formativa

Application Deadlines

Whole year or first term: 15 may

Second term: 15 november


Teaching Languages

Spanish, basque, english friendly subjects (main subject in spanish or basque tutorship in english)

Semester Dates

First term: september to mid january

Second term: mid-january to june

Cost of Living Per Month (Studying and Living)

850€ per month


Bachelor: 380

Exchange Students

Incoming: 3
Outgoing: 30

Teaching Staff

Professors: 60

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