Faculty Position in Design Faculty

ARUCAD aims to make cultural and intellectual contributions to the society, while creating a higher education environment with a creative, egalitarian and innovative perspective that will meet the needs of the era by utilizing the transitive qualities of art, design and communication disciplines. ARUCAD students are educated as individuals who are sensitive to natural heritage, have a critical perspective and universal ethical values. ARUCAD, which focuses on design and creativity in all its processes, has taken on a mission to create opportunities that will improve the integration of society with art.
ARUCAD, which has adopted an educational philosophy that enables its students to learn to produce through experiential learning since its establishment, aims to leave the artistic and cultural heritage it creates to the society.
ARUCAD’s goal is to become one of the most reputable universities in art education, while collaborating with other institutions and universities to enrich its culture and promote diversity, whereby its students continuously improve their creative productivity through interdisciplinary and cross-cultural programmes based on traditional, modern and contemporary art teaching and learning, whilst adhering to the inseparable link of theory and practice.
An ARUCAD degree, accredited and overseen by the Higher Education Council of Turkey (YÖK), is internationally recognized. In addition, ARUCAD is a member of CUMULUS (the International Association of Universities and Colleges of Art, Design, and Media), MUNA (the Mediterranean and Middle East Universities Network), EAAE-AEEA (European Association for Architectural Education), ICoD – International Council of Design (ICOGRADA), Community of Mediterranean Universities (CMU), European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) and UK ENIC which is one of the world's leading qualifications recognition and evaluation systems institutions, which provides vital support to universities, colleges and employers in processing international applications for employment, work or education worldwide.
ARUCAD aims to fill the perceived absence of world-class art and design education in Cyprus and the Mediterranean region, thereby fulfilling contemporary needs and requirements. Through its interdisciplinary, cross-cultural programs the University raises the bar in standards in the fields of art, design and communication, with the intention of contributing to cultural and intellectual life, locally, regionally and globally. Its approach highlights the fluid, transitive and hybrid nature of art, design and communication today.
Founded in North Cyprus in 2017, Arkin University of Creative Arts and Design (ARUCAD) is a thematic art university that is wholly dedicated to the fields of art, design and communication. ARUCAD’s goal is to become one of the most reputable universities in art education, whereby its students continuously improve their creative productivity through interdisciplinary and cross-cultural programs based on traditional, modern and contemporary art teaching and learning, whilst adhering to the inseparable link of theory and practice.
Respect for ecological, recycling and health and safety issues, in addition to equality in gender, racial and religious values will be practiced throughout the teaching/learning environment. ‘Learning whilst producing, producing whilst learning’ is an education model that aims to connect experience, critical thinking and practice in order to generate greater- thinking artists and designers.
1. Faculty of Arts: BA in Plastic Arts, BA in Photography, BA in Ceramics, BA in Film Design and Directing, BA in Archaeology, BA in Textile and Fashion Design
2. Faculty of Design: BA in Architecture, BA in Interior Architecture and Environmental Design, BA in Industrial Design, BA in Urban Design and Landscape Architecture
3. Faculty of Communication: BA in Visual Communication Design, BA in New Media and Communication, BA in Digital Game Design,
4. Faculty of Music and Performing Arts: BA in Contemporary Dance, BA in Acting, BA in Sound Arts and Design
5. Associate Degree: Interior Design
1. Faculty of Arts: BA in Plastic Arts, BA in Photography, BA in Ceramics, BA in Film Design and Directing, BA in Archaeology, BA in Textile and Fashion Design
2. Faculty of Design: BA in Architecture, BA in Interior Architecture and Environmental Design, BA in Industrial Design, BA in Urban Design and Landscape Architecture
3. Faculty of Communication: BA in Visual Communication Design, BA in New Media and Communication, BA in Digital Game Design,
4. Faculty of Music and Performing Arts: BA in Contemporary Dance, BA in Acting, BA in Sound Arts and Design
All Bachelor Degree Programmes are 4 years in length.
1. Faculty of Arts: BA in Plastic Arts, BA in Photography, BA in Ceramics, BA in Film Design and Directing, BA in Archaeology, BA in Textile and Fashion Design
2. Faculty of Design: BA in Architecture, BA in Interior Architecture and Environmental Design, BA in Industrial Design, BA in Urban Design and Landscape Architecture
3. Faculty of Communication: BA in Visual Communication Design, BA in New Media and Communication, BA in Digital Game Design,
4. Faculty of Music and Performing Arts: BA in Contemporary Dance, BA in Acting, BA in Sound Arts and Design
Beginning of September for Fall, end of January for Spring semesters
Fall semester: Beginning of October till end of January
Spring semester: End of February till mid-June
We advise our students to have 5000 Euros for living and personal expenses (per academic year)