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In Memoriam

Ulrich Schendzielorz (1958-2024)
Cumulus Executive Board Member 2013-2016; re-elected 2016-2019
Professor and Former Vice Rector, University of Design Schwäbisch Gmünd (Hochschule für Gestaltung-HG)

Ulrich served two consecutive terms on the Cumulus Board from 2013 to 2019. During this time, he was actively involved in several initiatives, including helping lead the Cumulus Visual Communication Working Group, contributing to the Digital Culture Working Group, and providing stewardship for the partnership with the IF Foundation.

Ulrich was a university administrator, teacher, researcher, and practitioner with a long trajectory in communications and visual design and an important advocate for international initiatives in higher education. At HG he served as Vice Rector for Teaching from 2007-2013 and Vice Rector of University Development from 2016-2018.

His service to the field has included work as a referee and international jury member and in boards such as the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). Before his university focus, Ulrich was a practitioner who held various design and journalistic positions ranging from his post as the library director at the Goethe Institute in Istanbul to heading the design department of the magazine “Bild der Wissenschaft.”

Ulrich hold a diploma in visual communication design from the Fachhochschule für Gestaltung Schwäbisch Gmünd and a university diploma in library science (main field public relations) and art history from Stuttgart.

Uli was known for his sense of humour and was a great talking company. Avid cyclist.

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