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Business, Industry & Innovation is a CWG that explores the relationship between design schools and corporations/companies and the evolution of design as a strategic discipline of innovation in a socio-economic context disrupted by shifts in ecological awareness, digital culture, and the rise of artificial intelligence. A recurrent question this group investigates is the evolving role of designers as project managers and the agency required by designers to master economic and managerial capabilities and intelligence towards their productions.

Theme of the meeting:

KITCHEN TABLE – conversations on designing future economies

•’the masters tools, will never dismantle the masters house’ thank you Audre Lourde
We are in a state of transition, one could even argue crisis – that asks some of us fundamental questions about how we organise societies and economies.

• The status quo is organised through the principles, practices of ‘capitalism’ and markets while they may have delivered broad benefits to individuals and to society, however, they have also produced serious inequities and profound negative consequences.

• The political and economic ecologies have shaped our current world from industrial development towards our post-industrial world – are more and more, not holding up to the incredible transformations from technology to climate change and social revolutions.

• The economy is a complex set of interrelationships – social, environmental cultural, technological – how do we renew these interrelations?

Pragmatically this complexity needs us to work as collectives.
So, how can we move beyond the lone genius myth of both the entrepreneur the artist, the designer – towards collective, collaborative, cooperative, and new practices of entrepreneurial development – that can shape new economies?

We would like to invite you to our kitchen table to share thoughts, experiences and questions on how we practically change things. We shall bring examples from things we are prototyping.

Time: Wednesday 2 November 2022, 13:30-15.00 EST (Detroit time)/ 17.30-19.00 UTC
Onsite: Room 1140, the A. Alfred Taubman Center for Design Education. Address: 460 W Baltimore Ave, Detroit, MI 48202
Online: Zoom link, Meeting ID:868 6236 0546, Code:741230. Free access to Cumulus members.

Moderator: Christian Guellerin, Executive Director of L’École de design Nantes Atlantique, France and Honorary President of Cumulus
Invited speakers: Joe Lockwood, Director of Innovation, Weißensee School of Art and Design, Germany
Catherine Morel, Julia Hartnik, George Jaramillo

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