What are you looking for?

Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle is looking to fill the following position in the Design department at the earliest possible date:

Professor for Interior Architecture/Elementary Composition of Spaces (pay grade W2)

We are looking for an experienced interior architect with in-depth teaching expertise, preferably at a University of Art and Design, who has planned or realised exemplary projects in the field of interior architecture. Apart from a command of the classical interior architecture disciplines of concept, design and implementation planning, they should have a direct approach to structural architecture, thus illuminating its links to interior architecture from different angles and in a vigorous and diverse way, and assisting students in the development of their own artistic positions.

As one of four professors in the bachelor and master’s courses for Interior Architecture, the incumbent will teach to generate interior architecture projects in the course “Complex Generating of Interiors” as part of the second stage of studies, as well as introduce students in the first stage of their studies to fundamental principles and artistic interpretation of the composition of spaces, one of the four mainstays of the subject-oriented foundation stage of the courses.

An affinity with topics related to a University of Art and Design, as demonstrated in the incumbent’s biography, is desirable. In addition to fulfilling the general appointment requirements according to § 35 HSG LSA, the successful candidate is expected to actively participate in the academic self-governance of the university, with a focus on the continued development of the university, which is currently, among other things, developing a post-gradual format in order to strongly emphasize the trans-disciplinary features of the artistic teaching in the Design department.

Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle is committed to a non-discriminatory hiring policy and values equal opportunities, diversity and discrimination critique. In order to heighten awareness of these and other topics, we offer workshops and training courses. Participation is expected as a matter of course.

We welcome all applicants regardless of their gender, cultural or social background, age or sexual orientation. Applications from severely disabled persons and persons treated as such will be given preference in cases of equal qualifications and aptitudes. Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle strives to increase the proportion of women and strongly encourages women to apply. The university equally strongly encourages non-binary people as well as those with an immigration background, Black people and/or People of Color to apply.

The professorship can be held for a limited or unlimited period of up to five years; this will be decided in the beginning of the appointment procedure, with the decisive criteria being the structural planning of the university and the profile of the applicant. If the professorship is limited in time, the possibility of an unlimited appointment will be examined before the end of the limited term. The salary will be determined in accordance with legal and budgetary requirements.

Applications should specify the position, include the usual documents (curriculum vitae, description of professional career, portfolio of work samples, certified copies of credentials etc.) and be sent exclusively in digital format (PDF up to 10 MB) by 15th March 2025 (date of receipt) to:

Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle
Rektorat, Ausschreibung Professur Innenarchitektur / Raumkomposition
Neuwerk 7
06108 Halle (Saale)
More information about the university: www.burg-halle.de

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