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Cumulus Antwerp 2023: Connectivity and Creativity in times of Conflict
April 12-15, 2023 Antwerp, Belgium

Society is being constantly challenged by conflict (global/local), contradiction and an ever changing perspective by non-neutral roles of technology and organisations. We invite the Cumulus community, designers, artists, and educators to investigate how culture and creative industry can offer resilience, consolation, and innovation models on human scale.

With a legacy of conflict, the city of Antwerp represents an economic and cultural hive of activity. Concepts from avant-garde to conformism fashion, product design and new media have flourished in Antwerp.

Aligned with the vision of Cumulus Association, and revigorated with the notion that new movements can be shaped in grassroots settings, the aim of the Conference is to map principles research and education in design and highlight novel directions.

The conference is actively looking for new insights and critical reflections on the value of Connectivity and Creativity in times of Conflict, reflected in these conference tracks:

Nature positive/Design for Transformation
• Systemic & strategic problem solving 
• The concept of abundance
• Decoupling innovation from the notion of “new”
• Biophilic design 
• Resilience in fashion and interior design 

Digital futures/Hybrid reality
• Metaverse / VR & AI
• Digital fabrication
• Craftmanship
• Smart cities
• Digital arts
• Cyber- and posthumanism

Handle with care/Inclusivity
• Inclusive Design
• Super-diversity
• Social Spaces
• Critical heritage, conservation and restoration

• Uncertainty in method and practice
• Ecological strategies
• Cultural activism 
• Participatory practices
• Pedagogical projects

This call is for anyone wishing to test an idea or to get early feedback on a proposal. Contribute your paper, visual paper, poster, workshop, lecture/performance or poster/installation.

The conference will be held in Antwerp between 12-15 April 2023.
Hosted by the Faculty of Design Sciences of the University of Antwerp in close collaboration with the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp. Located in the medieval city centre, there will be plenty of opportunity to connect and create.

Submit your contribution – deadline 11 November 2022

Read the whole text of the call here.
Learn more about the conference.

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