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Time: 15 May 2024, 11:00–12:30 local CEST (Hungary time GMT+1)
Onsite: the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design Budapest, Zugligeti út 9, 1121 Budapest, Hungary
Online: Zoom (free for all interested representatives of Cumulus member institutions)
During P/References of Design, Cumulus conference Budapest 2024.

Safeguarding creativity – Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property Rights, an IP Roundtable

The meeting of the newly created Intellectual Property Working Group will focus on three main topics. The first is about safeguarding creativity by using intellectual property rights to turn ideas into assets. The second is about artificial intelligence and it’s relationship to intellectual property rights. Finally, the working group will discuss intellectual property rights at design universities.

The members of the newly founded Intellectual Property Working Group at it’s first meeting are coming from the World Intellectual Property Office (Päivi LÄHDESMÄKI), European Union Intellectual Property Office (Livia IONAŞCU), Hungarian Intellectual Property Office (Eszter SÁNDOR), Aalto University (Maria REHBINDER) and Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design Budapest (Flora GUBICZ).

The participants of the Working Group’s roundtable will focus on the following three topics.

(1) Safeguarding creativity – intellectual property rights turn ideas into assets
“Intellectual Property Rights serve as the guardians of creativity, turning ideas into assets and empowering creators to shape the future of the industry. This topic will provide an introduction to intellectual property, what it protects and how creative industries, designers can use it in their strategy”.

(2) Artificial Intelligence and IPR
“In the Artificial Intelligence and IPR session, we’ll explore the intersection of AI and the creative industries’ intellectual property rights. We’ll discuss how to defend creative works against AI, the effectiveness of opting out as a strategy, and the evolving landscape of AI jurisprudence, with the goal of fostering insightful dialogue amidst these dynamic changes.”

(3) Do you know your IP rights in your institution?
“The question is: do you know your IP rights in your institution? Are you the sole rightholder of your works or does your institution acquire these rights from you? In this discussion we will talk about good practices and the general situation in design institutions”.

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