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RUFA – Rome University of Fine Arts

Italy Full Member Institution

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Mission Statement

To support creativity and emerging talents through training, artistic promotion and research initiatives.

International Role

Given the growing interest shown by international students in the programs offered by RUFA, starting from the academic year 2019/2020, RUFA has launched BA and MA programs in English. 

In addition to the Degrees, international students also have the opportunity of attending various short courses, a summer school and a Foundation Year.
Upon completing the Foundation Year, foreign students with less than 12 years of schooling have the possibility of enrolling in BA programs taught in Italian Academies and Universities.
As for the English language programs, RUFA offers:

BA Painting
BA Sculpture
BA Design 
MA Fine Arts (Painting, Sculpture, Printmaking)
MA Film Arts

RUFA promotes internationalization and attracts foreign talented students also by offering them full and partial scholarships. These scholarships are awarded to the most deserving candidates.

Over the years RUFA has created partnerships and projects with foreign Universities and Institutions to enhance its students' academic experience and to further develop its international dimension.

Regarding foreign Institutions, these collaborations have been developed through EU and non-EU Erasmus bilateral agreements, and through various specific memorandum of understanding. 

Currently our Erasmus partners are in:

-École de recherche graphique, Bruxelles; 
-University College Ghent, KASK School of Arts and Conservatory

-New Bulgarian University

Czech Republic: 
-FAMU, Film and TV School of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague 

-The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts (School of Visual Arts)

-École Supérieure des arts modernes

-Hochschule Mainz-University of Applied Sciences 

-National College of Art and Design 

-Holon Institute of Technology

-Vilnius Academy of Arts

-University of Warmia and Mazury 
-Jan Kochanowski University

-The Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Arts and Design in Wroclaw

-Universidade de Lisboa
-Escola superior de artes e design


-Academy of Arts in Banská Bystrica


-Universitat de Barcelona
-Institut del Teatre
-Universidad del Pais Vasco, Bilbao;  
-Escuela de Arte y Superior de Diseño Gran Canaria
-Universidad Francisco de Vitoria
-Escola d’Art i Superior de Disseny de les Illes Balears
-Escuela de Arte y Superior de Disseny de València
-Escuela de Arte y Superior de Diseño de Zamora

-Marmara University 

-Birmingham Institute of Art and Design

RUFA collaborates also with the following Institutions through other types of agreements:

-Central Saint Martins- University of Arts (London, UK)
-Sichuan Fine Arts Institute (Chongqing, China)
-Chengdu Academy of Fine Arts (Chengdu, China) 
-Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (Beijing, China)
-Jilin Animation Institute (Changchun, China) 
-Wollongong Global Network (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
-Shanghai Theatre Academy (Shanghai, China)
-SVA – School of Visual Arts (New York, USA)
-Universitatea Pedagogica de Stat Ion Creanga (Chişinău, Moldova)
-Academy of Music, Theatre and Fine Arts (Chişinău, Moldova)
-Universidad Mayor de San Simón (Cochabamba, Bolivia)
-Stieglitz Academy (Saint Petersburg, Russia)
-Dr. Bhanuben Nanavati College of Architecture for Woman (Pune, India)

As for the collaboration with the School of Visual Arts in New York, over the years RUFA has welcomed students from this prestigious Institution in its classrooms and in its printmaking labs. RUFA students have the opportunity to go to the SVA for ten days, devoting themselves to design work, in-depth social and cultural analysis, meetings with famous designers and visiting the studios, so to get in touch with different teaching and design methods.

RUFA also supported the FAO international organization by organizing an art and design exhibition called "100 Works of Art for the Right to Food" in 2007, and continued collaborating with FAO over the following years.
The initiative involved the exhibition of about 100 works of art that included paintings, sculptures, works, photographs, videos, costumes, posters and much more to raise awareness about a fundamental human right, which is that of an adequate nutrition.

RUFA also organizes numerous talks, Masterclasses and special events involving professors, lecturers and professionals from all over the world.
During the various editions of the RUFA Contest, held to enhance and support the talent of the students of the Academy, world-renowned artists such as the Visual Designer Stefan Sagmeister, the Product and Interior Designer Karim Rashid, the Architect Francis Kéré, the Artist Shirin Neshat and the Photographer David LaChapelle participated as the guest starts.

RUFA also organizes and hosts various international workshops, such as the Neorural Futures research project of SpeculativeEdu, which was funded by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ programme.
Through this project RUFA hosted foreign students, coordinators and tutors for an intensive 5 days workshop focused on speculative design for rurality in global scenarios.
The partners of the projects were: University of Split (Croatia), Edinburgh Napier University (UK), Goldsmiths, the University of London (UK), Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute (Portugal), Human Ecosystems Relazioni (Italy), Institute for Transmedia Design (Slovenia).
Apart from RUFA, the event was supported by Human Ecosystems Relazioni (coordination) and Rural Hack and Societing 4.0 (network and research partner). 

RUFA has created a partnership with the Council of the European Union to organize cultural and educational activities and artistic events which involve. These activities involve the students of the various Academic courses, with a specific focus on Cinema.  The reason why the partnership was drafted was to respond to a short-film competition launched by the Delegation of the EU to the Council of Europe and the Council of Europe. As for RUFA, the promotion of culture and the arts is a priority for both the European bodies.
All of the initiatives developed through this partnership will involve teachers and students of the various courses of the Academy as well as the Press and Communication team of the Delegation.



National Role

RUFA-Rome University of Fine Arts, is a multidisciplinary and international educational center legally recognized by the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) – which offers valid and innovative programs in the fields of Art, Design and Communication. It was founded in 1998 to welcome the dreams of young Italians and foreigners. RUFA organizes BA and MA programs that respond to the new artistic and cultural context, providing students with an advanced preparation and a solid and concrete professional perspective.

In Italy RUFA stands out as one of the best Academies of Fine Arts, offering courses that are of the highest level and strongly multidisciplinary.

Creating RUFA has meant "building" a special place where young Italians and foreigners can learn- thanks to the contribution of Professors with a solid experience in the fields of Art, Design and Communication – and find their own personal sensitivity and direction by the end of their studies.

As to participating in the Lazio Region initiatives, RUFA is a permanent member of the “Tavolo del Design” (Design Committee), promoted by the Department of Economic Development, Trade and Crafts, Start-Ups "Lazio Creativo" and Innovation. Like RUFA, many other Institutions participate in the initiative, such as Sapienza University of Rome and ADI (Lazio Regional Delegation-Association for Industrial Design).

Within the city of Rome, RUFA holds the important role of connecting the various creative realities of the capital, and actively contributes to the requalification of the neighborhoods in which it is located, and to their definition and enhancement also through significant interdisciplinary projects of Place Brand Identity.
Among the public and private Institutions with which RUFA has developed projects there are: Camera dei Deputati, Associazione Antigone, CNA Roma – Confederazione Nazionale dell'Artigianato e della Piccola e Media Impresa di Roma, Comune di Formello, Comune di Torgiano, FAO – Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Fondazione Mondo Digitale, GNAM – Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Istituto Nazionale per la Grafica, MACRO – Museo d’Arte Contemporanea di Roma, MAXXI – Museo Nazionale delle Arti del XXI secolo, Roma Design più, Università degli studi di Roma Sapienza, Società Dante Alighieri, Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Museo di Roma – Palazzo Braschi.

Among the companies and professional firms with which RUFA has developed collaborative projects there are: Architectural Consulting (Prague), Artattack native adv, Arthemisia Group, Cattleya, Ceramiche Rometti, FABLAB – Roma makers, Fandango, MTV, Olivetti, RAI Cinema, Studio AIRA, Studio Azzurro, Studio Castelli, Sky Arte, Vertigo Design, Virtual Lab, WWF.

Main Focus

BA and MA programs in Art, Design and Communication.

Faculties and Departments

Departments: Visual Arts, Design and Applied Arts 

Bachelor Level Programs

Taught in Italian: ITA; taught in English: ENG; The student can choose the language: ITA/ENG

BA CINEMA, ITA, 3 years 
BA PHOTOGRAPHY, ITA, 3 years                                                                                                                                                                                                                          BA SUSTAINABLE FASHION DESIGN, ITA, 3 years     

Master Level Programs

Taught in Italian: ITA; taught in English: ENG; The student can choose the language: ITA/ENG

 MA FINE ARTS (Painting, Sculpture, Printmaking), ENG, 2 years
 MA SET DESIGN, ITA, 2 years
 MA FILM ARTS, ENG, 2 years 

Research Activity and Main Areas

Apart from academics, RUFA undertakes interdisciplinary research projects and the related artistic production, product design, self-production activities, while focusing on environmental and social sustainability

Doctorate Level Programs

RUFA-Rome University of Fine Arts, legally recognized by the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) is part of the Italian Higher Education system in Art and Music (AFAM). Currently AFAM Institutions do not offer PhD programs. Nevertheless, RUFA is very active in fields of research, artistic production and in its “third mission” (set of activities through which Universities contributes to the development of the society around them). 

Subject Areas for Exchange Students

Exchanges are available for all of the study programs. 

Application Deadlines

First term: 15th of May 2022 for documents. Nominations by April 2022.              
Second term: 15th of November 2022. Nominations by the beginning of October 2022.

(They will be published here: https://www.unirufa.it/en/servizi-e-facilities/progetto-erasmus/ )

Teaching Languages

English for the Degrees taught in English.
For the Degrees in Italian, classes are held in Italian. However most of the lecturers speak English and since many of the classes are practical, this hasn’t represented a problem.
Erasmus students have always been able to integrate themselves successfully.

Semester Dates

First term: 2nd of November 2021 – 12th of March 2022                                    

Second semester:  14th of March  2022 – 25th of June 2022 (exams in July 2022)

Cost of Living Per Month (Studying and Living)

800 -1000 euros


Bachelor: 705
Master: 245

Exchange Students

Incoming: 21 ap.
Outgoing: 12 ap.

Teaching Staff

Professors: 5
Lectures: 138
Other permanent teachers: 39
Part-time Teachers: 104

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