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Gengdan Institute of Beijing University of Technology

Gengdan Academy of Design

Beijing , China Full Member Institution

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Mission Statement

The Orientation of Gengdan Institute of Beijing University of Technology is “Opening,Internationalized,Application-oriented”.The training objective of Gengdan Institute of Beijing University of Technology is“Foster the comprehensive practical talents”.

International Role

Until now, We have got collaboration with The University of Northampton,Dublin Institute of Technology,Southern Illinois University Carbondale,UCLAN,The University of Western Australia and so on.

National Role

Approved by China Education Ministry, Gengdan Institute of Beijing University of Technology was founded in July of 2005 under the joint sponsoring of Beijing University of Technology and Beijing Gengdan Education Development Center. Gengdan Institute is an independent undergraduate institution which operates under a new education mechanism and a mode of private tertiary education in China.

Beijing University of Technology takes the supervision responsibility for academic qualification and teaching resources of Gengdan Institute. Professors and professionals from the University are guest instructors much welcomed by Gengdan students.

The Institute is job-oriented in its education planning. The advantage of metropolis resources and economic development demands provides the bases for academic programs, featured courses and practicum on and off Gengdan campus.

The Institute cultivates students into valuable talents so as to lay the foundation for their future development. The education philosophy of the Institute is presented in its strict student disciplining, scientific managerial expertise and need-based academic specialties, which is resulting in a quality tertiary education institution.

Main Focus

Creative Thinking, Technology, Computer Expression, Crafts

Faculties and Departments

Department of Art and Design was established in 2006, and now we offer 7 Bachelor Degree Programs, 4 programs in Design Category: Visual Communication, Environmental Design, Product Design, Digital Media Art, 2 programs in Drama & Film Category:Animation, Drama & Film Art Design, and 1 program in Journalism and Communication Category:Advertising. The number of undergraduate students amounts to 1409.

Educational objectives 
Through the international view as the guidance, application ability as the core, innovation and entrepreneurship as the goal, we committed to cultivate versatile, practical, senior specialized talents with healthy and perfect personality and adapting to the development.

Faculty team
In the Department of Art and Design, with predominant social resources in Beijing, and ‘studio work’ as the feature, through cooperation with other universities, companies and institution abroad, the team of faculty mainly includes 3 groups of teachers:Full-time Lecturers & Professors of BGD, External Professors from other universities,     Experts from Industry. And nearly 100 teachers in this team, including 19 Professors, more than 50% have industry background, more than 90% have master's degree or above, more than 60% have overseas study experience.

Module Structures
After enrollment, freshmen have the common basic courses for the first whole year, which is the platform with corecourses, aimed to training students basic skills of research, perceiving, analysis, critique, creativity, expression and writing. Sophomores will get into to professional study according to the method of  two-way selection, theory studies and practice are based on professional foundation courses. Ways of studying for junior are various, such as professional elective courses, studio courses, the multidisciplinary curriculum Workshop, etc. We encourage lectures to introduce the actual projects from enterprises, research institutes and international academic communication to  students to train the skills of professional design, practical ability of application, integrate resources, interdisciplinary professional teamwork innovation, the standard of professional habits and sense of responsibility. Senior will get the chance to select their final year projects and employment project projects, for guiding students to expose design works to the market, to achieve the talent education to meet industry demand. From the beginning of sophomore students get opportunities of exchanging study abroad and the implementation of credit transfer. 

Teaching environment
Department of Art and Design have an independent building for teaching, its own professional library, reference room and exhibition space. Three main labs are built which are comprehensive base lab, professional craft and skills lab, digital art design lab. Also a number of studios are established. The total area reaches 5,000 square meters, and Beijing  Education Commission has already invested more than 510 million yuan of funds to promote the teaching environment.
In order to strengthen the social practice, we have 32 enterprises to establish a joint practice teaching base, such as Beijing Industrial Design and Creative Industry Base, China International Exhibition Center Group Corporation, the Hong Kong Kaifu Jewelry  International Group Co., Ltd (Beijing Branch), Shanghai Bailid diamond Co., Ltd. Students joined in dozens of projects to practice. 

Department of Art and Design pay attention to cultivate students' ability of innovative and practice , encourage students to participate in social professional events, and establish rewards system. Since it’s running, in all kinds of competitions and events domestic and overseas, over a hundred students have won dozens of awards ; some students got a chance for further study in some key universities domestic and overseas; the average employment rate is over 97%.

Bachelor Level Programs

<Visual Communication Design>,<Environmental Design>,<Product Design>,<Digital Media Art>,<Animation>,<Drama,Film and Television Art Design>

Subject Areas for Exchange Students

Visual Communication, Urban Planning, Environmental Design, Product Design(transport design), Chinese, Internship (some other courses are in Chinese, but the teacher can speak English, please ask contact person)

Application Deadlines

Spring semester: 31th October
Fall semester: 30th April

Teaching Languages

Chinese / English

Semester Dates

Usually from  the end of August to Juanuary
Usually from  the end of February to July

Cost of Living Per Month (Studying and Living)



Bachelor: 1600
Master: none
Doctorate: none

Exchange Students

Outgoing: 45

Teaching Staff

Professors: 19
Lectures: 45
Other permanent teachers: 10
Part-time Teachers: 45

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