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Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava

Slovakia Full Member Institution

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Mission Statement

As an educational and cultural institution, AFAD´s mission is to prepare the young people to their professional career within the field of art, design and architecture. The presence of AFAD in life and at the public events intends to influence the society, forms and contents of culture in the region and wider. With regard to the spirit of multicultural coexistence in EU and universal principles of human rights, cooperation and equality, the AFAD is open to every student who proves the requested level of his/her artistic talent and knowledge, regardless national, ethnic, gender, religious and other diversities. AFAD is strongly dedicated to the freedom of artistic expression and quality assurance of the study for the both Slovak and foreign students.

International Role

AFAD Bratislava is a member of ELIA, CUMULUS Association, European Textile Network. Programs Socrates/Erasmus, CEEPUS and the bilateral cooperation with individual art schools and universities in Europe and worldwide. It facilitates the student and faculty mobility with more than 43 partner institutions. The Academy organizes manifold international workshops, symposiums, conferences, and exhibitions, on regular and irregular basis. We are fostering the contacts of the 12 AFAD’s departments with enterprises in Slovakia and abroad, in order to put the student placements on a regular basis. Good cooperation in this field with car industry, conservation and restoration studios and the advertisement enterprises has proved the efficiency of such approach.

National Role

Through its faculty and students the AFAD is in cooperation with almost all the relevant art institutions in Slovakia. We cooperate with other higher education partners, such as Comenius University and Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava, Academy of Art in Banska Bystrica and faculty of Fine Arts in Kosice in common activities and educational projects. Numerous subjects of the industrial, architectural and cultural sector are constant partners to our departments, e.g. Dept. of Design, Architecture, Conservation and Restoration, Applied Arts, etc.

Main Focus

The Academy of Fine Arts and Design Bratislava is a modern, fully accredited higher education art school, which provides complex education in the field of fine arts, design, architecture, and conservation on all three levels – Undergraduate, Graduate, Postgraduate. The study is practiced based with wide instruction in theory and history of art and architecture. Exclusively postgraduate (doctoral) program is offered in the field of Humanities and Arts.

Faculties and Departments

Department of Painting and Other Media Department of Sculpture, Object, Installation Department of Printmaking and Other Media Department of Photography and New Media Department of Intermedia and Multimedia Department of Visual Communication Department of Industrial Design Department of Applied Arts Department of Textiles Department of Architecture Department of Conservation and Restoration Department of Art Theory and History

Bachelor Level Programs

Painting and New Media, Printmaking and Other media Photography and New Media Intermedia and Multimedia Textile and Fashion Applied Arts Graphic Design Industrial Design Architectural Creation Restoration of Painting Restoration of Sculpture Four-year bachelor study programs, the graduate is awarded the title “bakalár”, in the abbreviation “Bc” (equivalent to Bachelor of Fine Arts, BFA).

Master Level Programs

Painting and New Media Sculpture, Object Printmaking and Other media Photography and New Media Intermedia and Multimedia Textile and Fashion Applied Arts Graphic Design Industrial Design Architecture Restoration of Painting Restoration of Sculpture Two-year master study programs, the graduate is awarded the title “magister umenia”, in abbreviation “ Mgr.art” (equivalent to Master of Fine Arts, MFA.)

Research Activity and Main Areas

IAS – the Institute for Art and Science is offering the floor for long and short term research activities in two fields: – research in theory and history(long term) – applied research in and through art in (short term projects in a fine, art, applied art, design, architecture)

Doctorate Level Programs

Fine Arts, ArtD. Design, ArtD. Architecture, ArtD. Restoration, ArtD. History and Theory of Fine Art and Architecture, PhD. Doctoral study on a daily basis is three-years, on an external basis is three to five-years.

Application Deadlines

June 15 for Winter semester November 15 for Summer semester

Teaching Languages

Slovak, some teachers speak English, German or French

Semester Dates

Winter semester: October 1 – January 20 Summer semester: February 20 – May 31

Cost of Living Per Month (Studying and Living)

Monthly living expenses including accommodation: 8 000 – 10 000 SKK


Bachelor: 398
Master: 190
Doctorate: 65

Exchange Students

Incoming: 50
Outgoing: 50
Others: 5

Teaching Staff

Professors: 11
Lectures: 32
Other permanent teachers: 68
Part-time Teachers: 55

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