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The Cumulus Roma 2021 conference presents the volume #1 of the proceedings that were published in the Cumulus Conference Proceedings Series. It containing reflections by the track chairs and keynote speakers.

The working title of the Conference – “Design Culture(s)” – aimed to map the most advanced research and education in design, by reflecting on the idea of design as a form of culture, while drawing its field and opening to new directions.

Design Culture(s) is investigating not simply on the concept of culture as a monolithic expression of a specific knowledge that reflects on itself, but as the product of an investigation that is open to many different “Cultures” which are emerging and revolving around it in society, in the places and in history.

Please see the publication details:
Reflecting on Design Culture(s). Cumulus Conference Proceedings Roma 2021, Angela Giambattista and Viktor Malakuczi (Eds.), 2021. Volume #1
PDF: ISBN 978-952-64-9006-9
EPUB: ISBN 978-952-64-9007-6
Cumulus Conference Proceedings Series, N°7, ISSN 2490-046X

PDF available here Reflecting on Design Cultures(s).

Volume #2 of the Roma conference proceedings can be found here.

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