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Dear Friends,

Bravo to Lorenzo Imbesi and congratulations to all the newly elected members of the Board of Cumulus. It has never been so representative of our diversity, never been so representative of our strength to federate, to underline how much we want our association to be “global”, in which everyone can bring his/her conviction, his/her point of view, his/her understanding of design, but above all his/her culture, the one that will enrich the one of others. Cultures must not merge, they must be enriched by the Other.

Dear members of the new board… the task is difficult but noble. 357 members, 357 institutions, 357 definitions of design. Difficult to federate. But, it is the richness of Cumulus, bringing together men and women of good is guided by a mission, that of educating, of educating in design, and more generally of thinking about the world, in which we want to live tomorrow.

Because, that is the mission of design, to represent the world, in which we want to live, a more fair world, a world of diversity, inclusion, a world of peace, a world where culture has replaced ignorance, the pencil has replaced the weapons, without naivety, but without concession to obscurantism. “All ignorance is useless,” says the philosopher. Knowledge enlightens us, culture makes us unique.

Your task is noble, because several issues threaten our humanity. Global warming makes its future uncertain, the arrival of intelligent robots raises the question of what it is to be human. More than ever, the designer has become essential in designing the world and giving to it sense. “The best way to foresee the future is to create it”, the responsibility of the designer is to be engaged. This is the meaning of the Kyoto Design Declaration that we signed years ago and which does not have any wrinkles.

With this letter we would also like to warmly thank the members of the Board who have just left the stage, particularly we thank the President, Mariana Amatullo. This board worked hard in a very difficult context given the pandemic. The members of Cumulus need to meet physically, like a family, to measure that all, the more or the less big or prestigious among us, deserve the same respect, the same attention. Who knows where the innovations that will solve the problems facing us will come from?

The Covid pandemic prevented onsite meetings and probably hampered the possibility of showing to the whole community all the work that had been undertaken.

As three past Cumulus presidents, we have modestly recently recalled the main principles that gave birth to our association, have guided our past actions and have prevailed in the development of Cumulus. Democracy, respectful management of each other’s opinion, politeness, diversity, inclusion, trust… We deeply like this Association which has taught us a lot, which has given us so much valuable. We intervened, when we felt that some fundamental values that made us rich could be threatened. The rest assured that we will continue to do so, if sometimes we think that some principles, some values that make the links of our friendship are to be compromised. You deserve it.

Cumulus is a magnificent association, we are very proud to have served it, you can be proud to be its elected representatives. Congratulations to you and take care of yourself, your responsibility is great.

Yrjö Sotamaa
Cumulus President Emeritus

Christian Guellerin
Cumulus Past President

Luisa Collina
Cumulus Past President

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