What are you looking for?

Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design is looking to fill the following position in the Design Department at the earliest possible date:

Professorship Design Anthropology (W3)

The Design Department is searching for a PhD scholar with outstanding qualifications in the fields of cultural or social anthropology, ethnology, or a related discipline. As a third focal point besides design theory and the history of design or architecture, the incumbent is expected to establish the profile of the innovative field of design anthropology as an interdisciplinary research area and make it visible on the international stage. An engagement in issues related to design is of particular importance, leading to an examination of design in its material, cultural and social contexts and the broadening of the horizons of design sciences to include trans- and non-European perspectives as an extension of a Westernised design discourse.

In addition, a passionate interest in teaching at an art university in both the bachelor‘s and master’s programmes for Design and the Design Studies Master’s programme are expected. In particular the teaching and testing of ethnographic methods and practices should be an integral part in the establishment of new teaching formats.

– two-semester introductory lecture series in design anthropology
– Courses in design sciences and the master’s programme Design Studies
– Supervision of master’s theses and doctoral dissertations in the Design faculty
– Interdisciplinary cooperation with colleagues from the fields of Design Theory, History of Design and Architecture as well as the design disciplines and other academic subjects at the BURG
– Further development of the study programme and the research profile of design sciences
– Committed participation in the academic self-administration

– completed university degree and doctorate in cultural or social anthropology, ethnology or a related discipline
– Scholarly competence beyond the doctorate, corroborated by publications and specialist presentations
– Several years of experience in university teaching
– Fulfillment of the general appointment requirements according to §35 HSG LSA

Teaching is delivered in German.

Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle is committed to a non-discriminatory hiring policy and values equal opportunities and diversity. It strives to increase the proportion of women and strongly encourages women to apply. Applications from severely disabled persons or those treated as such will be given preference in cases of equal qualifications and aptitudes.
The professorship can be held for a limited or unlimited period of up to five years. The decision on this is made during the appointment procedure. The decisive criteria for the decision are the structural planning of the university as well as the profile of the applicant. If the professorship is limited in time, the possibility of an unlimited appointment will be examined before the end of the limited term. The salary will be determined in accordance with legal and budgetary requirements.

Applications should specify the position, include the usual documents (curriculum vitae, description of academic career, teaching credentials, list of publications etc.) and be sent in digital format only (PDF documents no bigger than 10 MB) by 9 November 2023 (date of receipt) to:
[email protected]

Written documents will be requested only in the further course of proceedings.
Further information about the university: www.burg-halle.de

Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle
Rektorat, Ausschreibung Professur Designanthropologie
Neuwerk 7
06108 Halle (Saale)
[email protected]

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