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Time: 15 May 2024, 16.00-17.39 local CEST (Hungary time GMT+1)
Onsite: the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design Budapest, Zugligeti út 9, 1121 Budapest, Hungary
Online: Zoom (free for all interested representatives of Cumulus member institutions)
During P/References of Design, Cumulus conference Budapest 2024.

Practice Research Education: a conversation

The Cumulus Digital Culture Working Group has open a continuing discussion in partnership with IxDA, the largest association of interaction designers worldwide since 2018, gathering design professionals, educators and researchers.

Chair: Frédéric Degouzon (L’École de design Nantes Atlantique) & Alok Nandi (past president IxDA & design thinker)

Borja Sobas
Teacher at the Public School of Art and Higher School of Design of Basque Country, IDarte https://www.idarte.eus/en/

Proud Basque in a multicultural world. I like to bridge the gap between tech and people using design and its methodologies. I love teaching “Advanced Web Design” and “Apps and Web design and prototyping”, where UX and graphic design are applied to solve open, complex, dynamics and interconnected problems. I believe that how we use technology is as important as what technology we are using.

I have conducted a project called “HiBizi!” where students of IDarte were given the problem “How to encourage people to adopt healthy and sustainable consumption habits”. The project ended with the prototyping of 3 products: An AI assistant for professional drivers, “Copit”, a cradle mobile and smart bracelet kit for help babies sleep called “Chamee” and an App that helps people to gain self-confidence called “Mind”.
The project was mentored by Chuby Apps, a local company author of the awarded apps FitWoody and Cory.

Isabelle Vérilhac
Founder and CEO of Design With Isabelle

Isabelle Vérilhac, is the Founder and CEO of Design With Isabelle, a design expert office for transition towards a more sustainable and inclusive future. Operating from Saint-Etienne, in France, with the creation of collaborative projects, she advocates for design in France and Europe.
Isabelle Vérilhac holds a Post-Diploma in design & research and a Doctorate in material chemical physics. She gives lectures in industrial design in engineering schools and in lifelong learning for companies.
Isabelle is BEDA Past President (The Bureau of European Design Associations), that boasts over 50 members from more than 28 countries across Europe, including design promotion and innovation centers and design professional associations. She is a coordinator of the Large-Scale Skills Partnership for Cultural and Creative Industries Ecosystem for the European Commission under the Pact for Skills initiative.
Isabelle was Head of Innovation and International Affairs at the Cité du design – ESADSE (Ecole Supérieure d’Art et Design) Saint-Etienne, France, for 17 years. She was in charge of the development of territorial and international projects, engaging companies, researchers, designers and public stakeholders. She was the Coordinator of Saint-Etienne UNESCO City of Design from 2019 to 2023. Isabelle is part of the French Design Council.
Isabelle led a medical cluster in Saint-Etienne from 2003 to 2007. She was curator at the Biennale Internationale Design Saint-Etienne for wellbeing and medical exhibitions.
She is the President of the EUIPO DesignEuropa Awards 2023 and member of the jury 2024.

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