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Time: 17 May 2024, 14.00-15.30 local CEST (Hungary time GMT+1)
Onsite: the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design Budapest, Zugligeti út 9, 1121 Budapest, Hungary
Online: Zoom (free for all interested representatives of Cumulus member institutions)
During P/References of Design, Cumulus conference Budapest 2024.

Cirrocumulus is a young group dedicated to Cumulus students.
Students from the schools of the network are invited to join online or onsite to meet the other attendants and speak about their design school, department, studies, projects of their own…
This working group also relies on the contribution of the students’ ambassadors.

This international conversation aims at the creation of a cumulus student network.
A presentation of the foundation Michelangelo’s programs for students will take place in the Budapest session.

Chair: Natacha Lallemand, Ecole Duperre, France

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